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Can Allergies Make Your Bottom Teeth Hurt

You Recently Had Your Teeth Whitened

Tooth infection or sinus infection?

Teeth whitening can cause sensitivity, as the bleach can cause the teeth to become temporarily porous, says Dr. Martinez-Barron. This almost always resolves itself within a few days, or by using a toothpaste like Sensodyne.

How to treat it:You can help to minimize sensitivity by brushing your teeth with Sensodyne a week or two before a bleaching treatment, she says.

Aching Teeth: What Can It Mean

It is widely known that a painful aching sensation in one tooth is typically caused by tooth decay, a common problem that affects people of all ages. But feeling an aching sensation in all the teeth is something different that a common toothache. When someone feels an aching sensation in all the teeth, this is a condition called generalized tooth pain. There could be several reasons why all the teeth are aching. Here are some of the most common causes of aching teeth or generalized tooth pain.

What To Do When Allergies Are Causing Tooth Pain

Self-care should be your first concern when youre suffering from allergies, it is best to follow your usual processes for relieving your symptoms. Drinking plenty of water can help flush the mucus from your system and clear the blockages that are causing pain, as can gargling with salt water. Taking your regular allergy medication is also recommended.

It might be tempting to cease brushing and flossing your teeth when your mouth is hurting, but its important to keep up with your regular dental hygiene routine. When youre suffering from allergies your teeth are vulnerable, and dental health is all the more important.

With a suspected explanation for your tooth pain, it doesnt mean you dont have to worry about the state of your teeth. Whenever you feel tooth pain, its always best to visit a dentist. Although the pain might be related to your allergies, it is difficult to tell without scans whether there is an underlying issue with your teeth.

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Can Allergies Make Your Gums Hurt

Nasal congestion makes it hard to breathe through the nose. When our mouth dries out from mouth-breathing, it causes gum irritation. The saliva that normally coats the teeth and all of the soft tissue in the mouth is dried out from mouth breathing and taking antihistamines and can contribute to swollen gums that bleed easily. The drying of the mouth can also allow more bacteria to grow on the teeth, adding to the inflammation of the gum tissue.

There Are 4 Types Of Sinuses Which Are All Found In Pairs With One On Each Side Of The Face

Can Allergies Make Your Teeth Hurt?
  • Frontal sinuses
  • Large cavities in the frontal bone which create the bottom part of the forehead and extend over the eyebrowns and eye sockets. The size and shape varies in different people.
  • Ethmoid sinuses
  • Multiple small cavities located between the nose and eyes.
  • Maxillary sinuses
  • Largest type with three pyramid-shaped cavities pointing in, down, and to the side.
  • Sphenoid sinuses
  • Located in the sphenoid bone between the eyes and behind the nose.
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    How Can I Tell The Difference Between Sinus Tooth Pain And A Real Toothache

    There are ways to tell the difference between sinus tooth pain and a genuine toothache.

    Sinus tooth pain is usually:

    • Continuous pressure or discomfort
    • Isolated in the maxillary teeth
    • Accompanied by other symptoms of sinus infection
    • Increased when bending down, moving the head, or standing.

    Although sinus toothache is typically only present in the upper molars, an infection that lasts a long time can cause referred pain to travel to the lower teeth as well.

    Tooth pain or toothache with a dental cause may be:

    • Focused on only a single tooth
    • Sharp or causing sensitivity when biting hard, hot, or cold food
    • More severe pain than the pressure of a sinus toothache and
    • Progressively uncomfortable or painful,

    If you have upper molar pain or discomfort, and a dentist has ruled out dental causes, it may be a good idea to consult with a physician to determine if the problem could be in your sinuses.

    Problems With Oral Dryness

    If you have allergies, you may be suffering from oral dryness, as well. Not only can allergies result in dry mouth, but any allergy medications you take may also cause dryness. Saliva is full of important antibacterial enzymes, which work to prevent tooth decay and keep your breath fresher. A lack of saliva can increase your risk of gingivitis and cavities, and it can cause bad breath.

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    Why Does My Jaw Hurt

    When you are experiencing pain in your jaw most people attribute it to TMD, or Temporomandibular Disorder. While this disorder is a cause for a lot of jaw problems, it is not always the cause of jaw pain. In fact, jaw pain can be a symptom of many serious health issues and should be examined by a professional if it lasts for more than 24 hours or is very severe. In any case, you should never ignore it. Your jaw or tooth pain could be telling you something, and you want to seek treatment before it becomes a more significant issue.

    How Allergies Can Affect Your Oral Health

    Why Do My Teeth Hurt With A Sinus Infection?

    The initial signs of sore teeth may feel like a typical tooth decay induced dental issue however, Its essential to note that experiencing painful teeth during allergy season may not be a tooth problem at all.

    While suffering from allergy symptoms, the part of your face that is affected the most is your sinus cavity. Suffering from sinus congestion or sinus inflammation can lead to intense pressure in the center of your face. Hay fever or Springtime allergies can cause these tissues to become inflamed and secrete more mucus than theyre supposed to. As it does, your sinus cavity begins to constrict, causing pressure to build up, and it is not uncommon to feel this pain or pressure in your teeth.

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    Sinus Infection Complications Affecting The Eye

    The sinuses are located above, below, behind, and between the eyes, so it is possible for a sinus infection to spread to the eye socket, but this is a very rareand very seriouscomplication, potentially leading to permanent vision damage or blindness. Pain around the eye, or even behind it, isnt necessarily a sign of a sinus infection that has moved to the eye. Because of the location of the sinuses, its normal to feel pressure and discomfort around the eyes.

    If you have or have had a sinus infection, and you experience any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign the infection has spread to the eye:

    • Sudden, blurry vision
    • Eye redness,
    • Swelling around the eyes.

    If you have any of these symptoms, its a good idea to contact a doctor right away, as emergency IV antibiotics may be needed, in addition to other treatments.

    Is It Allergies Or A Cold

    Allergies affect more than 50 million people in the United States each year, with many individuals suffering from allergic rhinitis. Also known as hay fever, its symptoms are as common as they are annoying sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watering eyes to name a few.1

    While some symptoms overlap between allergies and a cold, you may notice some key differences. Colds are contagious and people often unwittingly infect others for two days before symptoms appear. A low-grade fever and aches and pains may accompany them. This common illness may also develop gradually over a couple days.2

    On the other hand, viruses dont cause allergies, so you cant pass allergies on to anyone else. They occur when the body initially encounters a normally harmless substance and creates antibodies to it. When the body encounters the substance again, the existing antibodies tell the immune system to send chemicals such as histamine into the bloodstream to fight the invader. The immune response causes unpleasant allergy symptoms, and they often come on suddenly rather than gradually.3 Take our allergies versus cold quiz to find out which one you have.

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    Can A Seasonal Allergy Affect My Teeth

    Seasonal allergies can create inflammation of the lining of the sinuses, which puts pressure against the nerves of the upper molars, causing a sinus-related toothache. This tooth pain does not always occur on both sides, and can mimic the symptoms of a severe toothache. This type of tooth pain can feel like it is moving as you bend over or move your head from side to side. If you are unsure whether you are experiencing tooth pain from a cavity, tooth infection, or sinus-related tooth pain, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with your Lincoln, NE dentist. At this appointment, you can have your dentist evaluate your teeth and rule out any dental-related causes of tooth pain. If you normally suffer from allergies, try taking an antihistamine. If your symptoms improve, it is more likely to be sinus-related tooth pain.

    Treatment For Itchy Tooth

    Can Allergies Make Your Teeth Hurt?

    If you use a saltwater rinse as a mouthwash, it may help to reduce the symptoms of itchy gums.

    Apart from this, you can try a few simple things at home straight away to subside gum or teeth itching or irritation:

    • Use an antibacterial mouthwash
    • Properly brush/floss your teeth
    • Maintain oral hygiene
    • Take an over-the-counter antihistamine if the itching is caused by an allergy

    The treatment for itchy teeth varies from person to person. Depending on the cause, your dentist will give you the best possible treatment. It is recommended to visit your dentist if you feel persistent itchiness to teeth or gums. She will examine the condition thoroughly and suggest treatment accordingly.

    No dental issue should be taken lightly. Even if you feel itchy teeth or swollen gums, you should immediately seek dental assistance. The early you get treatment for a dental issue, the better it will be you can effectively prevent further complications.

    TruCare Dentistry in Roswell, GA, offers dental care treatment for all types of oral health issues. Whether you need a root canal treatment or any other cosmetic dentistry, we can help. Our staff is professionally trained and certified to give dental treatment for all dental problems from gum disease to emergence dental care. Connect with us to get the best dental care treatment to keep your dental health in good shape.


    1.How can I stop my teeth from itching?

    2.Why are my teeth sensitive all of a sudden?

    3. Why are my bottom teeth itchy?

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    Can Allergies Make Your Teeth Hurt

    Whether you experience spring or fall allergies, there are many ways that seasonal allergies can make you feel miserable, including itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and a whole host of annoying complications. But can allergies make your teeth hurt? Read on to learn more about this unexpected symptom of seasonal allergies.

    Sinus Pain Caused By Dental Issues

    Since the sinuses and our upper teeth are next to each other, there is always a chance to develop a toothache caused by a sinus infection. For example, if a bacterial infection happens in our upper teeth, that same infection can easily spread towards your sinus cavities and cause symptoms similar to chronic sinus infection.

    Tooth infections that develop underneath crowns or a root canal can become a constant reservoir of bacteria that can cause the symptoms of sinus infection.

    Sinus pain caused by dental issues is often overlooked because they affect your sinuses before showing any dental-related symptoms like a toothache. The actual toothache is usually followed by gingivitis and this is the first sign that the issue is connected to your teeth and not your sinuses.

    Sinus and toothache can go hand in hand and it is important to visit your dentist to determine if the pain is caused by a sinus infection or it is a more serious dental issue.

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    Whats The Best Way To Treat Allergy Tooth Pain

    First, its important to determine that your tooth pain is indeed from allergies. Consulting with your dentist will help you determine this as they will be able to identify any other factors that could be leading to the pain. Once its determined that your tooth pain is being caused by allergies, you should then take measures to try and relieve your sinus inflammation. Taking allergy medication for this purpose can help reduce the pain. Other medications that can help are decongestants or nasal sprays.

    Allergy tooth pain will commonly be accompanied by common allergy symptoms. If youre experiencing tooth pain without other allergy symptoms, that could be a good indication that you need to seek a dental examination to assess your pain further. Its recommended that any tooth pain is evaluated by your dentist to find the root cause and ensure that you arent suffering from an infection that could cause more severe damage over time.

    Want to determine whether your tooth pain is caused by seasonal allergies or an infection? Schedule an appointment today!

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    Overcoming Tooth Pain Form Sinusitis

    Why do my teeth hurt? Toothache symptoms: Sensitive Teeth, Gum Pain, Tooth Pain, Infection, Wisdom

    Sometimes its possible to get a toothache without anything being wrong with your tooth. How? Because sinus pressure is pushing against the root and nerve coming out of your tooth. Sinusitis tooth pain feels like an everyday toothache, but without any cavities, hot/sweet sensitivity, or cracked teeth. Fortunately, its possible to treat it by treating the sinus issues themselves. Usually, that involves an allergy medication or decongestant. If your sinus pain is severe or evolves into an infection, its time to see your doctor.

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    Sore Throat And Allergies

    A sore throat is often an irritating accompaniment to an allergy, and it brings with it more confusing symptoms. Not only is your throat dry and sore, you may start to notice a distressing bad breath smell, one that doesnt get better with brushing your teeth.

    Presence of bad breath is a well-known sign of dental decay, but it isnt always dental decay causing the bad breath. When youre suffering from allergies, a post-nasal drip can be irritating your throat and causing bacteria there to flourish. Unfortunately, thebad breath caused by this will not improve by brushing and flossing, as the source is within the throat. If youre experiencing bad breath from a sore throat, keep drinking water to flush out your system.

    You Brush Too Hard And It’s Led To Gum Recession

    Of course you want to get those puppies as clean as a whistle, but applying too much pressure or brushing too aggressively can actually lead to more problemsand pain.

    Doing this wears away at the actual tooth structure, as well as the recession of the gums that normally covers the root of the tooth, says Ira Handschuh, DDS, dentist at the Dental Design Center in White Plains, New York. You may notice extreme sensitivity to eating and drinking cold items, which is due to your root structure being more exposed.

    How to treat it: While you cant undo the damage caused by over-brushing, you can make an appointment with your dentist, who can place tooth-colored fillings on the areas where the tooth has worn away, says Dr. Handschuh. Sometimes even placing a gum graft to build the gums back to the height they were originally is also possible, he says. Your best bet to avoid this fate altogether: Invest in a high quality electronic toothbrush or a manual extra-soft bristled brush, and dial back the pressure.

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    Can A Dental Infection Cause A Sinus Infection

    A dental infection can cause a sinus infection.

    An evidence review from 2012 estimated as much as 40% of chronic maxillary sinus infections were due to dental infections.

    Older studies estimated this amount was about 10%, but advances in imaging, such as CT scans, have revealed dental infections as a more common underlying cause.

    As the back portion of the teeth is close to the maxillary sinuses, infectious organisms can travel to these cavities.

    A person with this infection type will have maxillary sinus infection symptoms. They may also have the following risk factors relating to their teeth:

    • history of jaw or dental pain
    • history of or current dental infection
    • history of endodontic, oral, or periodontal surgery, especially tooth extractions

    Infection of this type requires antibiotics and treatment of the underlying infection in the tooth or teeth. This approach helps reduce the chance of the infection returning.

    A doctor will look at differences in symptoms to help diagnose a toothache that a sinus infection is causing or one from a dental problem.

    A sinus infection can cause:

    • interference with a persons sense of smell
    • one-sided nasal obstruction, or a stuffy nose
    • runny nose, typically on one side

    Signs that may be different from sinusitis and could indicate a dental problem include:

    • dental pain with temperature changes, such as when eating or drinking something cold or hot
    • facial swelling
    • gum swelling near a tooth
    • pain near a tooth that has dental work

    You’ve Experienced Tooth Trauma

    Tooth Braces and Pain

    Surprisingly, you might not be aware that you’ve had tooth trauma. It can be the result of an incident that happened many years ago. This can entail anything from falling and hitting the teeth, being in a car accident where theres a force to the mouth or jaw, or even chewing on some type of food that traumatizes the tooth, says Dr. Handschuh.

    Along with tooth trauma or a tooth fracture comes increased pain and sensitivity when chewing, which causes the tooth to flex and irritates the nerve endings within the tooth. If a patient were to fall and hit or damage a tooth, their dentist would need to keep watch on that tooth with regular follow-ups and X-rays to make sure theres no infection and also that the nerve inside the tooth is not dying, says Dr. Thompson.

    If the tooth has died as a result of trauma, signs would include discoloration on the outside of the tooth and temperature sensitivity.

    How to treat it: A root canal and crown is typically the treatment recommended for a dead tooth, and, if the tooth needed to be removed, implanting a bridge or removable appliance such as a partial denture would be the next step, she says.

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