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How To Deal With Seasonal Allergies

2 Take Allergy Pills Every Single Day During Allergy Season

How to deal with seasonal allergies

My personal favorite is Allegra.

I am not paid in any way to support or promote it. Itâs just something that Iâve used for 8+ years EVERY single day and gives me the best results over any other allergy pills.

Donât get me wrong! It doesnât mean you should just go ahead and jump on it.

The best allergy pills are the pills that work best for you.

How do you find out?


Take them for 2 weeks at the minimum and see what results you are getting.

You need to build up the meds in your body to see how effective they are.

Most of them will have almost no effect on you unless you take them long enough every single day and as many pills as itâs said in âDIRECTIONS:â on their bottle.

The sweet spot is two weeks of taking them â thatâs where the medication is built up in your body sufficient enough so it starts to fully kick in.

Read the directions of use carefully and do not exceed the daily dose!

What Are Seasonal Allergies

Allergic rhinitis is the medical term for hay fever and seasonal allergies, which affects the nasal passageways. This condition is characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells within the mucosa and submucosa.

What months are allergy season? The time of the year that someone suffers from hay fever depends on the persons specific triggers. Allergic rhinitis can occur not just in the spring, but throughout the summer and into the fall depending on the person.

While hay fever frequently begins at a young age, it can strike anyone at any time. Sometimes seasonal allergy symptoms fade over the years, only to reoccur later in life.

If you experience allergic rhinitis one location and move to a new area with different types of flora, your symptoms may go away or possibly get worse.

Pollen is one of the main causes of seasonal asthma. Every tree, flower and weed releases pollen, but not all individuals have heightened sensitivity or allergic reactions to all types of pollens.

Its important to pay attention and recognize which things specifically trigger your hay fever symptoms. For some people, cottonwood trees and ragweed are the problems, while others struggle with grass.

Research indicates nearly 75 percent of people in the United States who suffer from seasonal allergies are allergic to ragweed. Unlike grass, trees and flowers that produce pollen in the spring and summer, pollen due to ragweed is often highest during the fall.

Nip Your Fall Allergies In The Bud

If you have seasonal allergies in the fall, the tips above will help you feel better. No matter what kind of symptoms youre dealing with, youre always just a few steps away from getting the treatment that youre looking for.

Start searching for a medical professional that can assist you when you need help. Make us your guide to learn more about business, health, and more!

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What Causes Seasonal Allergies

Airborne agents , such as pollen, grass, mold, cedar, ragweed, or even some chemicals, are breathed in. Once they enter our bodies, these allergens start to wreak havoc. The immune system mistakenly sees the pollen as a danger and releases antibodies that attack the allergens and release a chemical called histamine into the nose, eyes, and lungs. Histamine is intended to attack harmful agents and remove them from the body. One of the main things that histamine does is cause inflammation.

The good news is there are many natural remedies you can try to control your allergy symptoms:

Use A Mask If You Go Outside


If you spend a lot of time outside, use a surgical mask to minimize your exposure to pollen and other allergens. When purchasing a mask look for N95. This number means the product meets the standards of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and filters out 95% of allergy-causing particles.

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How To Help Your Dog Deal With Seasonal Allergies

For some people, seasonal allergies are a real pain. Whether youâre bothered by a runny nose, itchy eyes, or endless sneezing, it can be a tough time of year to endure.

Just like their human parents, some dogs suffer from the aggravating effects of seasonal allergies as well. Besides chemicals such as those found in household cleaning products, cigarette smoke and certain perfumes, dogs can also be allergic to natural, seasonal substances. This can include plant and tree pollens, mold spores, dust, feathers and fleas.

A dogâs allergy symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by humans: the immune system overreacts to one or more offending substances, leading to itchiness and irritation. Your dog may lick or scratch themselves, develop irritated eyes, or sneeze repeatedly. Some dogs experience itchy, swollen skin, while others suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In certain cases, a secondary infection may develop.

Here are a few things you should to do to help control any discomfort your dog may be dealing with due to seasonal allergies, and reduce the risk of more serious problems.

How To Cope With Spring Allergies: The Early Bird Gets The Worm

If your plan to defeat spring allergies starts when you see those first spring buds, youre too late. People who have seasonal allergies should prepare for their symptoms before they start, Dr. Hong says. Heres how:

Take meds early

Take medications before allergy season starts, recommends Dr. Hong. Then you have your bodys defenses in place when pollen hits before symptoms become severe and more difficult to control.

If you take oral immunotherapy, called sublilngual immunotherapy, it is important to start the treatment 12 weeks before peak season. The same goes for over-the-counter antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays.

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Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies And Advanced Health

Advanced Healths integrative approach to medicine incorporates the practical, mechanical knowledge of more conventional western medicine, but also explores the more natural, supportive knowledges from eastern sources.

At Advanced Health, we generally hold that the least invasive path to wellness is preferable, and were very much in favor of treating seasonal allergies naturally.

Has this summer got your eyes watering, and your nose running? Why not book a consultation with our integrative functional medicine physician, Dr. Payal Bhandari M.D. She will treat the source of any condition, including seasonal allergies. Contact Advanced Health today, and get yourself on the path to ease, symptom relief, and lasting wellness.

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Dont Just Tough It Out If You Cant Find Relief From Your Allergy Symptoms

How to Deal With Seasonal Allergies

No one wants to be miserable. Bad allergies can ruin your quality of life and affect your overall health if symptoms turn into a sinus or upper respiratory infection. The good thing is you have options.

If youve never talked with a doctor about your allergies before, start by making a primary care appointment. Whether you choose a video visit or in-person appointment, your primary care doctor will listen to your symptoms, answer any questions you have and work with you to create a tailored treatment plan including connecting you with specialists like an allergist or an otolaryngologist if needed.

Your doctor can also help make sure if symptoms are related to allergies or COVID-19, a cold or something else.

Have you already been diagnosed with seasonal allergies? Make an appointment with an allergist. If youre struggling to get relief this season or your allergy symptoms feel like theyre getting worse, you can see an allergist without a referral. Allergists specialize in treating severe allergies.

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Eliminate The Things You Are Allergic To From Your Life

The best solution will always be to avoid whatever it is you are allergic to. Itâs the common sense you say.Itâs far far far from common practice.

Learn to avoid it. If you have to adapt and change the route you take to go to school or work, that will take 30 minutes longer to avoid trees, lawns, flowers.

Do it. Itâs THAT important.

Who would want to adjust their commute to work and add another half hour to it, when you have to wake up 6 AM and go to work, and you only had 6 hours of sleep the night before? Not many of us.

And itâs a big deal.There is no amount of medication is gonna help you considerably if you continue to expose yourself.

It can only do so much.

Do you know how serious this is?

I have an allergy to cottonwood and lilac.

One brief exposure makes me sick for a minimum of 2 days staying home, with runny eyes closed up, swollen, inflamed, with hives all over face and back, runny nose, headache, sneezing, wheezing and coughing, anxiety and some other symptoms.

The cost of 30 minutes added extra to your commute is so worth it.

How To Deal With Seasonal Allergies When Cycling

For many cyclists, the joy of the first warm weather ride comes with a tingle in the back of their nose and the inevitable crushing realization that season allergies have returned. Here are some tips for getting out on the road without pollen-induced discomfort.

Pollen report

Most weather apps will have a weather pollen report, which will update you on the current state of the outdoors, and how much your body will resist being blasted by the microgametophytes of seed plants.

Keep an eye on the pollen report for a week or two and note what level of pollen causes your allergies to really flare up. Consider riding inside on those days if you have a trainer .

Look at the weather

You might have to get used to having a slightly muddy bikeone of the best times for reduced pollen is right after a light rain. The rain can help wash pollen away, but avoid cycling after prolonged rain or a heavy downpour, as rain can also cause pollen spores to rupture, which breaks them into smaller pieces and makes it easier for them to get into your lungs.

Dry, windy days also tend to be worse for allergies.


Keep your eyes protected from allergens and youll reduce their level of irritation. Allery-plagued cyclists are in luckmany current cycling glasses are big and wrap around slightly at the side. These styles will keep your eyes away from harmful particulates.

Neck gaiter


Wash off the allergens

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Easy Ways To Beat Seasonal Allergies When The Pollen Count Spikes

If your seasonal allergies are making you miserable this spring, you’re not alone. More than 50 million Americans experience allergies each year. The good news is there are measures you can take to minimize the impact of seasonal allergies.

Seasonal allergies are usually caused by three main types of pollen: trees, grass, and weeds. They’re called “seasonal allergies” because each type of pollen has a season where they’re most potent. Here’s a general timeline of common pollen seasons:

  • Some outdoor molds also peak in the fall months

When you’re monitoring pollen counts for your specific allergy, here are 10 ways to cope:

  • Stay inside if it’s windy and warm.
  • Pollen counts tend to rise on dry, warm, and windy days, so if it’s breezy outside, try to stay indoors.

  • Go outside at the right times.
  • Pollen counts are highest in the morning and again at night, so if you need to go outside, try to do it when counts are low.

  • Know which pollen you’re allergic to, and respond accordingly.
  • When it comes to seasonal allergies, it’s important to know exactly what you’re allergic to so you can take appropriate action.

    “I have patients who come in saying they’re allergic to pets, then we perform a skin test and it turns out they’re actually allergic to oak trees or another pollen the pet is bringing inside on their fur,” says Erin Willits, MD, an allergist and immunologist at Intermountain Alta View Hospital.

  • Start your medication regimen early
  • Close windows and doors
  • Consider Apple Cider Vinegar

    Seasonal Allergies and How to Deal with Them

    Apple cider vinegar is purported to boost the immune system, help break up mucus, and support lymphatic drainage. Experts recommend mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day to relieve allergy symptoms. These tips on how best to use apple cider vinegar will provide additional guidance.

    Also Check: 24 Hour Allergy Medicine

    Treatment For Ragweed Allergies

    Weâre not at a point in medical science that ragweed allergies can actually be cured, so the focus of treatment is to reduce the symptoms.

    When you come in contact with ragweed particles and you have a pollen allergy, those irritants are treated as a threat. As a result, your immune system triggers symptoms â like a runny nose or watery eyes â to help fight off the invaders. But a runny nose, sneezy afternoon, or watery eyes can be a real mood killer, so luckily there are treatments available.

    In many cases, you’ll likely be treated with an antihistamine or allergy medication to reduce your allergy symptoms, examples include medications like Allegra or Benadryl. While you’ll need to check with your doctor or allergist, some recommend taking the allergy medication two weeks before you expect your symptoms to be at their worst .

    If you’re severely allergic to ragweed and your symptoms are bad, you might be prescribed allergy shots, which are meant to help build your resistance to allergens. In other cases, you could be asked to take dissolving tablets that often need to start 12 weeks before pollen season kicks in.

    Visit A Provider If Your Allergy Symptoms Dont Improve

    Dont let seasonal allergies stop you from enjoying the beautiful outdoors. Use our tips and tricks to help nip your symptoms in the bud.

    However, if your allergy symptoms dont improve, its time to visit a provider.

    Schedule an appointment with one of our internistsor family medicine providers who have expertise in treating allergies and immune system disorders, and well help get you back to feeling your best!

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    Ten Ways To Alleviate Seasonal Allergies Without Medication

    By Getwell Urgent Care

    When your immune system overreacts to an airborne substance that doesnt bother everyone around you, you have allergies. Pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold spores and insect stings are the biggest culprits of seasonal allergies.

    Increased pollen counts and higher temperatures across the globe are contributing to longer and more severe allergy seasons. This means many people whove never had an issue before are experiencing seasonal allergy symptoms for the first time. However, because these symptoms are so similar to the common cold, many just assume theyve caught a bug. If this sounds familiar, the best way to tell the difference between allergies and a cold is whether you have a fever. If youve been feeling unwell for 7 days or longer without a fever, you are probably suffering from seasonal allergies.

    When you seek medical treatment for allergy symptoms, your doctor will typically prescribe medications or injections to help you feel better. But the good news is that there are a lot of things you can do at home to alleviate seasonal allergies without medication.

    Clear The Air And Other Surfaces

    Practical Ways to Deal With Seasonal Allergies

    Inside your home, regularly change air filters to cut down on airborne allergens that enter through open doors and windows. Running an air conditioner or a dehumidifier will help remove moisture from interior air, making it harder for mold to grow in your home. Minimize the amount of time your dog spends in damp environments, such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, as these places are more susceptible to mold growth. Vacuum at least once a week, and remember to clean curtains and rugs that may have picked up dust and pollen.

    Protect your dog from backyard dangers. Many popular veggies like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and chives are poisonous to dogs and should be fenced off in a way that prevents your furry friend from getting into them.

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    Use Allergy Immunotherapy As A Last Resort

    • Allergy immunotherapy is one of the most effective ways to combat persistent allergy. As the name depicts, allergy immunotherapy involves injecting the body with a substance you are allergic to and stimulating the body to build a tolerance to that allergen.

    When the allergen is introduced, the body reacts but overtime it becomes desensitized to it. Slowly, it builds sufficient tolerance to the allergen so that when the body encounters the real allergen, it does not have an allergic reaction.

    Successful administration of immunotherapy can help relieve allergic symptoms and visibly reduce the need for administrating oral medicine. However, immunotherapy requires time to settle in which can range from several months to a year.

    This information has been brought to you by Optima Medical. They provide services in several locations in Arizona.

    How To Stop Seasonal Allergies For All Doshas:

    • Take a shower. Seems silly and simple, but its so often overlooked! If youve spent any time outside, its likely that pollen or other allergens have gotten onto your skin and clothes. Taking a shower when you get inside will get the allergens off of your skin and help your allergens calm down through the rest of your day and overnight. Remember to change your sheets when you start this regimen so you dont get more pollen all over yourself while you sleep!
    • Eat local bee pollen. Local bee pollen contains small amounts of the pollen from trees and plants in your area, and eating them can help your body process the pollen. Allergy Warning: if you are allergic to bees, talk with a doctor before taking bee pollen. If youve never taken bee pollen before, please only eat 1 small pellet to see if you do have an allergic reaction. Do not feed bee pollen to children.
    • Take Quercitin/Nettle: My friend and colleague Ingrid Vaicius swears by this nettle quercitin supplement. Nettle includes histamine, which helps boost your immune system into action.

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