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Do Allergies Make You Foggy Headed

Consider Immunotherapy Allergy Drops

Woman who contracted Omicron describes ‘brain fog’ symptom

While allergy medications provide short-term relief from symptoms, and often lose their effectiveness if overused, immunotherapy is a more long-term approach to allergy fatigue treatment. Immunotherapy slowly introduces the body to more and more of the allergen it is allergic to so that it builds up a tolerance and no longer reacts as strongly. Allergy shots are an older form of immunotherapy that are very effective, but this treatment has some associated risks and requires frequent office visits. Allergy drops are just as effective but can be done easily from home with daily drops under the tongue, making this one of the best ways to manage and eliminate allergies causing fatigue.

Allergy Treatment In New York City

Although Dr. Shukla is careful to present patients with cautious optimism, his fifteen years of experience in the field have made him one of the countrys top practitioners. Voted Best Pulmonologist in New York in 2018 and 2019, Dr. Shukla has also been the recipient of Vitals Compassionate Doctor Award for nine years running. This makes him one of the most qualified and compassionate sources for your allergy treatment in New York City. If you are ready to end your allergies and fatigue, contact Dr. Shuklas offices at your earliest convenience.

Wash Your Clothes Immediately

If youve spent any time outside during high pollen count dates youll benefit from a quick change of clothes when you get home instead of continuing to lounge around in them.

Rather than wait until laundry day, throw them into the washer and immediately wash your clothes. Even when you cant see the pollen or allergens they linger on your clothes and contribute to inflammation and upper respiratory allergies.

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Which Allergies Cause Headaches

Here are some of the common allergies that can lead to headaches:

  • Allergic rhinitis . If you have a headache along with seasonal and indoor nasal allergies, its more likely due to a migraine headache rather than allergies. But pain related to hay fever or other allergic reactions may cause headaches due to sinus disease. A true sinus headache is actually quite rare.
  • Food allergies. There can be a relationship between food and headaches. For example, foods like aged cheese, artificial sweeteners, and chocolate can trigger a migraine in some people. Experts believe its the chemical properties of certain foods that trigger the pain, as opposed to a true food allergy.
  • Histamine. The body produces histamines in response to an allergic reaction. Among other things, histamines decrease blood pressure . This can result in headache.

Treat an allergy headache the same way that youd deal with any other headache. If allergies are the source of the headache, there are ways to address the root cause.

You Arent Getting Enough Sleep

Can Allergies Make You Tired? Treating Allergy Fatigue

Many people have trouble sleeping because of their allergy symptoms. After all, its difficult to sleep when youre sneezing, sniffling or coughing, and even harder when you can hardly breathe at all. Over time, this lack of quality sleep catches up to allergy sufferers and they begin to feel fatigued especially during peak allergy season.

If you have allergies, here are some things you can do to get a better night of sleep:

  • Take a shower before bed to wash allergens off your skin and out of your hair
  • Wash your sheets in hot water once a week to keep them clean and allergen-free
  • Sleep with your head elevated to relieve nasal congestion
  • Use an air purifier in your bedroom to improve air quality
  • Keep your pet out of your bedroom if you are allergic to pet dander

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How Food Allergies Can Cause Brain Fog

If you have brain fog after eating a certain food, you may be allergic to it.

Heres a list of the top allergenic foods known as The Big 8:

  • dairy
  • tree nuts
  • wheat

It can be challenging to determine if any of these are the cause of your brain fog since these foods are commonly hidden in processed foods. has compiled an extensive list of hidden sources of these and other top food allergens.

Go to their food allergens page and select the food in question.

Youll find comprehensive information on foods to avoid, plus lists of unexpected sources of those foods.


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And while the foods in the top 8 list account for 90% of food allergies, its possible to be allergic to almost any food.

Some people are allergic to just one specific meat, fruit, vegetable, seed, and even spice.

Why Does Brain Fog Feel Like Covid

Many people have reported the feeling of brain fog after getting COVID-19. People describe it as the inability to concentrate, think clearly, and have trouble remembering things. The severity of their symptoms ranges from mild to severe enough to make it hard for them to go about their lives.

For people with a history of anxiety or depression, its even valid to consider they would face brain fogging. Experts say its a temporary symptom. It should go away by taking proper care, including eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, staying social, getting regular mental and physical exercise, and taking enough rest during the recovery period of COVID.

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What You Can Do

It might leave you feeling discouraged to hear about the links between fatigue, mood, and even cognitive abilities and allergies, but there are many things that can be done that could, in turn, benefit you both from an allergy standpoint and a non-nasal symptom standpoint.

We have come a long way in methods of treating allergic rhinitis. That said, everyone is different and it often requires some trial and error to find out what works best for you.

The first step is to take a look at your environment. With the medications we have available, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there are other methods available to address your symptoms such as avoidance of the cause.

You may also want to keep an eye on outdoor pollen counts and plan outdoor activities around these. Of course, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and practicing stress management can make a difference all the way around.

Tips For Getting Quality Sleep With Allergies

Can allergies make your head feel weird?

If your allergies are keeping you up at night or causing fatigue during the day, itâs important to take the proper steps to get quality sleep each night. Below are a few simple tips that can help you get a good nightâs sleep so you can feel rested and alert during the day, even if allergies are a problem.

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Find The Source Of Your Symptoms

To manage your symptoms, start by finding the source of your allergies. Taking a quick allergy test from the comfort of your home can help you narrow down possible culprits.

Keeping an allergy log is another great way to figure out whatâs causing your symptoms. Recording notes and identifying patterns when youâre experiencing symptoms of fatigue and jotting down what youâve been exposed to that day is a great way to find the link between an allergen and your symptoms.

Why Seasonal Allergies Cause ‘brain Fog’


The spring allergy season is upon us. Pollen counts are skyrocketing, sinuses are swelling, and for some of us other symptoms are creeping in as well. If youve experienced a brain fog characterized by dizziness, imbalance and fatigue during allergy season and wondered about the connection between the pollen youre inhaling and the mental murkiness, youre not alone. Science has been working the case, and although we dont have a clear picture just yet, were beginning to understand more about what happens in our brains when pollen is in the wind.

The basics of this story involve allergens and the immune system. If youre among the 30% or so of the population with seasonal allergies, your body responds to allergens as an assault and your immune system reacts by producing histamines, compounds that cause muscle contractions and blood vessel dilation. Later into the reaction, your body releases proteins called cytokines that signal the surrounding tissue to brace against the offenders.

All of this plus the activity of a few more chemicals results in inflammation, which we feel in our sinuses, nasal membranes, throats, eyes and lungs. Some of us are more sensitive to particular allergens , and the severity of reactions varies, from annoying to life threatening.

You can also try avoiding what sets you off , but for most allergy sufferers thats not much of an option.

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When To See A Doctor

If you have allergy symptoms but over-the-counter medications arent helping you feel better, then its important to see a doctor.

Your primary care provider or an allergist can help you identify whats causing your allergies, how to avoid triggers, and medication or other treatments that might help.

While mild or moderate allergies arent considered a medical emergency, an allergy may cause a severe reaction called anaphylaxis.

  • Skin reactions, such as hives, flushing, or itching
  • Swollen tongue or throat
  • Weak, rapid pulse

Can Allergies Make You Tired

Can Allergies Make You Tired? Treating Allergy Fatigue

The short answer: yes. But, instead of the actual allergy causing fatigue, there are a number of allergy symptoms that could be making you feel exhausted. In fact, there are actually a few potential reasons why your allergies are wiping you out. And, when combined, they can lead to some serious fatigue.

Youre not breathing well.

When this happens, youre not getting oxygen as easily, and your body has to work a little harder to operate normally, which can wear you out, says Purvi Parikh, M.D., an allergist and immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network.

The immune response is tough on your body.

Allergies cause bodily inflammation, and when your immune system is inflamed, your body uses up a fair amount of energy and resources to make an immune response, says Kara Wada, M.D., an allergist and immunologist at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. Plus, when youre having an allergic reaction and histamines are released, that can make you feel tired, notes Dr. Monteleone.

Youre having trouble sleeping.

Seasonal allergies tend to cause nasal congestion, and that disturbs your ability to get a good nights rest, says Dr. Monteleone.

Your medication is wiping you out.

Certain allergy medications, including first-generation antihistamines like diphenhydramine can make you feel tired, says Stanley Schwartz, M.D., Ph.D., division chief of Allergy-Immunology-Rheumatology at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

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How To Treat Allergy Fatigue

The brain fog and exhaustion of allergy fatigue can be frustrating, but they are not without solutions!

Before anything else, its advisable to talk to a physician or allergist to determine exactly what youre allergic to.

Theyll likely perform an allergy test usually a blood or skin test to figure out exactly what triggers an allergic reaction in your system, so you can do your best to avoid that allergen.

Aside from avoiding your allergy, there are a number of other ways you can reduce allergy symptoms, and with them allergy fatigue.

Understanding The Bodys Inflammatory Response

When someone has allergies, their immune system has identified harmless substances, or allergens, as threats to the body. So the first reason allergies cause brain fog is that when you breathe in an allergen, it triggers an immune system response to get the allergen out of the body. This response causes the release of histamine, a chronic inflammatory molecule. The release of histamine can make you feel foggy and tired as your body fights to remove the allergens.

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Keep Pets Out Of Your Bedroom

You may love snuggling with your pets at night or letting them sleep at the foot of your bed, but if you get an allergy flare-up or have a hard time breathing at night your furry friends may be to blame. Pet dander and hair are both common allergens.

For several nights, have your pets sleep in a separate room. If you experience relief from your nighttime allergies, you may have to resign yourself to sleeping without your pet.

Why Do Allergies Make Us Tired

Allergies? Brain fog? Try this.

In the United States, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness. Allergens can exist both indoors and outdoors, and it can be a challenge to limit your exposure to them. When it comes to indoor and outdoor allergies, there are a few common culprits that can cause seasonal or recurring allergic reactions such as sinus swelling, nasal congestion or a runny nose, watery eyes, and tiredness. The most common triggers include dust mites, mold, pollen, and pet danderâall of which may cause fatigue.

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Things You Should Know Aboutallergy

  • 09 Jul, 2020

Allergies can cause all kinds ofunpleasant, distracting symptoms, from digestive upsets and headachesto respiratory trouble and runny eyes. However, you may also haveexperienced another few hallmark symptoms of allergy problems:fatigue, drowsiness, and mental sluggishness.

If you have had noticeable troublegathering your thoughts, maintaining your alertness, or even stayingawake during the day, you need to understand how your allergies maycreate or aggravate your tiredness. Take heed of the following fourkey points about allergy-related fatigue.

1. Allergens Cause BiochemicallyBased Fatigue

An allergic reaction occurs when yourimmune system goes into battle by mistake, attacking a harmlesssubstance as if it were a virus or other germ. It does this byinstructing mast cells to produce antibodies for release into thebloodstream. These antibodies belong to a category known asimmunoglobulin E.

In addition to immunoglobulin E, theimmune system releases a substance called histamine. When both ofthese substances produce an inflammatory reaction in the body, youmay experience a sense of tiredness alongside other, more obviousallergic symptoms.

2. Allergic Sinusitis Can CauseBrain Fog

Individuals who feel dazed and unableto think well often describe their problem as brain fog. While brainfog may occur in association with many health problems, most notablyfibromyalgia, it can also occur as a side effect of a conditioncalled allergic sinusitis.

Figure Out Whats Causing Allergies

Allergy symptoms are a sign your body is fighting off an allergen.

So to best manage those symptoms, its important to identify what youre allergic to.

If you have allergy symptoms that only happen certain times of the year you might have allergic rhinitis .

The most common causes of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Pollen, which usually causes allergies in the spring and early summer
  • Mold, or tiny fungi that float in the air like pollen, which usually causes symptoms in late summer and early fall

Other forms of allergic rhinitis also stem from environmental allergens, but they may occur year-round:

  • Animal dander
  • Dust mites, tiny organisms found in household fibers

Other common allergy causes may be easier to identify, because theyre not circulating in the environment:

  • Insects and insect stings
  • Foods
  • Medications

If you have persistent allergy symptoms and youre not sure what youre allergic to, speak with your doctor.

An allergist can diagnose you via allergy testing and recommend a treatment to help.

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Allergies Can Worsen Sleep Apnea

Allergies can make certain sleeping conditions worse. Symptoms like inflammation and stuffy nose often cause you to breathe improperly, which can cause or worsen snoring and sleep apnea. When your airways are blocked or restricted, the lungs and even the heart struggle to get enough oxygen. The lack of air causes your body to wake itself up, interrupting your sleep sometimes hundreds of times in a given night. This explains the exhaustion that most people experience when suffering from sleep apnea, especially if allergies are making things worse.

Fastmed Is Your Allergy Resource

Why Do Allergies Cause Brain Fog?

Of course, there are many things you can do yourself to reduce your allergies, from staying inside on high pollen count days to wearing a face mask . Once you know what is triggering your allergic reactions, stay away from those substances as much as possible.

If youre struggling with allergy-related fatigue and want to feel like your energetic self again, FastMed is here to help. If youre struggling with allergy-related fatigue and want to feel like your energetic self again, schedule a visit at FastMed were here to help.

You can also view these FastMed allergy blogs for more information:

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Manage And Treat Your Hay Fever

The allergy specialists at Oak Brook Allergists can help you find the source of your suffering and put an end to your symptoms.

The first step is accurately identifying what is causing your allergic reaction, beginning with a physical exam, medical and health history assessment, and allergy testing.

Your personalized hay fever treatment plan may include medications like antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays to reduce upper airway inflammation as well as allergy shots for patients with difficult-to-control symptoms.

Tips to help you prevent a reaction during pollen season include environmental control measures such as:

  • Monitoring pollen counts
  • Keeping home, work, and car windows closed
  • Taking the medication your doctor recommends before anticipated pollen exposure
  • Wearing a mask with an air filter when outside for any length of time
  • Taking a shower, washing your hair, and changing your clothes after working or playing outside

Consider perennial allergens. Allergies unrelated to pollen such as to mold, dust mites, pet dander, and cockroach droppings can result in a symptom flare-up at any time of year and are considered perennial allergens. These allergies may exacerbate your hay fever symptoms and can require slightly different treatments. The key to the most effective treatment for you is to discover what exactly you are allergic to and address it.


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