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HomeHealthCan Seasonal Allergies Make You Nauseous

Can Seasonal Allergies Make You Nauseous

Your Allergies Are Getting The Best Of You

Can allergies make you feel sick and achy?

Along with watery eyes, an itchy throat, and constant sneezing, seasonal allergies can cause post-nasal drip, meaning excess mucous in your nose trickles down the back of your throat rather than out of your nostrils. This can easily irritate your throat or cause a cough, but when that mucous makes its way down your esophagus and into your stomach, nausea may hit.

Nix the nausea: First things firsttry to avoid anything that seems to trigger your allergies . Keeping your mucous under control with some over-the-counter allergy medslike NasalCrom Spray and Claritincan also help. Just be sure to discuss with your doc. If your allergies become unbearable overall, he or she may recommend prescription-strength medication or even an allergy shot.

Can A Cold Or Flu Cause Allergies

An allergy is an inflammatory immune response to specific foods or something in the environment, known as an allergen. Colds and flu are caused by viruses or bacteria. Therefore, a cold or flu cannot cause an allergy.

Sometimes, allergies can lead to a sinus infection, which may develop into a fever. Sinus infections are the result of excess mucus and debris getting trapped in the air-filled sinus passages. However, the infection develops due to the bacteria or viruses present rather than the allergens.

Knowing what a person is allergic to can help in treating the allergies. A person can be allergic to several allergens at once. Some of the key steps to reducing allergy symptoms include:

A person with severe allergies may benefit from immunotherapy. This approach involves injecting increasing amounts of allergens in the body to de-sensitize the bodys immune response. A doctor must prescribe these injections.

Signs Your Symptoms Aren’t Caused By Allergies

1. Your snot is green.;It’s not pretty, and it’s a sign of infection.

2. You have a fever.;Hot flashes and chills are symptoms that are;never;linked to allergies.

3. You feel pain in your cheeks.;While allergies can trigger sinus pressure around the eyes and temples, pain;that extends through the cheeks and even to the teeth can;signal;inflammatory build-up that’s common in;sinus infections not allergies. And that;could require antibiotics to clear up.

4. You have a cough …;but that’s not all.;“You have to look at the;constellation of symptoms because it’s very hard to differentiate between an allergic cough and one caused by post-nasal drip related to;a virus,” Dr. Corn explains. So a cough, plus;anything else on this list = something more serious than allergies.

5. Congestion +;bad breath.;;Terrible congestion is the hallmark of seasonal allergies, but it can occur for a host of;reasons. When paired;with smelly breath or a foul taste in the mouth, it’s probably a sign of infection.

If you think you’re sick : See your doctor to rule out an infection that requires antibiotics , strep, and the flu.

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Can Pollen Allergies Make You Nauseous

All allergies work according to the same principles: Your immune system misidentifies a substance and believes it to be dangerous, even though it’s harmless. As a result, the antibody immunoglobulin E is released. It triggers your mast cells and basophils, which then send out an army of chemicals — including histamine — to fight off the invading allergen. You suffer the consequences of the battle in the form of allergic symptoms. When you have a food allergy, your body responds to certain proteins; when you have a pollen allergy, your body responds to the little cells that plants release in order to fertilize other plants.

While the symptoms of food allergies can include nausea, it’s not a common reaction to a pollen allergy. Otherwise known as hay fever or seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollen allergies are typically characterized by cold-like symptoms including a runny nose, sneezing, congestion and itchy or watery eyes.

Asthma From Pollen Allergies

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Pollen can be breathed into the lungs and directly cause asthma in some people. This can be unrelated to hay fever symptoms. Symptoms of asthma include:

  • chest tightness or pain
  • blocked sinuses
  • extreme tiredness.

One in five Australians experience hay fever symptoms and they can be debilitating. People with hay fever are more likely to develop sinus infections, and can have interrupted sleep that leads to extreme tiredness. Severe hay fever symptoms can affect learning in children and productivity in adults. Hay fever can also make it more difficult to control asthma in those who are more likely to get it.

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Causes Of Seasonal Allergies

Hay fever happens when your immune system identifies an airborne substance thats usually harmless as dangerous. It responds to that substance, or allergen, by releasing histamines and other chemicals into your bloodstream. Those chemicals produce the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Common triggers of hay fever vary from one season to another.

Herbal Medicines And Allergies

Asteraceae is a family of flowering plants, including many common species, and some are used in herbal medicines. Pollen from plants in this family is a common cause of hay fever, asthma and dermatitis.Plants from the Asteraceae family include:

  • plants grown for their flowers chrysanthemums, dahlias, sunflowers, marigolds, safflower and daisies
  • edible foliage plants lettuce, safflower, chicory and artichoke
  • weeds ragweed, mugwort, sagebrush, wormwood, feverfew
  • plants used in some herbal medicines echinacea, dandelion, chamomile, feverfew, milk thistle and wormwood.

Echinacea can cause severe allergic reaction , asthma attacks, severe hives and swelling in some people, and this can occur when the first dose of echinacea is taken.Pollen from plants in the Asteraceae family can also cause an allergic skin reaction on contact. The pollen can be found in herbal medicines, shampoos, cosmetics and massage oils, and includes pollen from plants such as the:

  • chamomile
  • sunflower
  • tansy.

Sensitisation to pollen of plants from the Asteraceae family has also been linked with allergic reactions to other substances that are similar. This is known as cross-reactivity and has caused allergic reactions to:

  • plant-derived herbal medicines echinacea, royal jelly, bee pollen extracts and chamomile
  • foods celery, honey, sunflower seeds, carrot, lettuce, watermelon and nuts.

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Seasonal Allergies And Hearing Loss

Each year millions of people in this U.S. seek treatment for seasonal allergies. The other symptoms like congestion might keep them suffering enough that they fail to notice a change in their hearing. The ears rely on sound waves reaching a nerve in the inner ear, so they can be translated into something the brain can understand and allergies interfere with that process.

An allergic response typically leads to swelling and congestion. They, in turn, change the fluid pressure and prevent sound from traveling to the inner ear. You might notice pressure or a sense of fullness in the ears when that happens. The body produces more earwax in response to an allergy, too, creating a buildup that blocks sound.

What You Should Know About The Allergy And Illness Link

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If you have allergies and you don’t treat them effectively, you could be at higher risk of also getting sick. To better understand the connection, please review the following list:

  • Uncontrolled allergies can progress into a sinus, ear or upper respiratory infection. That’s why it’s important to treat your symptoms and head off these types of complications.
  • Ongoing allergies can also weaken your immune system and make it less effective in fighting off other germs. This can make you an easy prey for colds, flu, and virus germs that are circulating.
  • If you suffer from allergic asthma, your sensitive airways may be more reactive to virus and germ triggers.
  • When your allergy symptoms keep you from getting a good night’s sleep, you may also be more likely to succumb to the various germs you meet.

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Is There Anyone Who Should Not Take Zyrtec

Zyrtec is safe for most people, but there are some populations that should stay away from it. Children under 2, anyone with a history of allergic reaction to Zyrtec or hydroxyzine/piperazine derivatives, and people with severe renal impairment are all people who probably shouldn’t take Zyrtec, says Dr. Patel. For people with these conditions, Zyrtec can cause adverse health effects.

If you are pregnant and breastfeeding, Dr. Patel recommends speaking to your doctor before using it, since some women have experienced side effects. Dr. Eitches suggests taking it with caution if you’re on other medications or take some kind of sleeping aid to help you go to bed.

When in doubt, it’s best to go to your doctor with any questions before you take Zyrtec as an allergy medicine. All things considered though, youre likely to be fine when using Zyrtec, as side effects arent terribly common, Boomershine notes. Still, it’s best to be aware of potential Zyrtec side effectsespecially if you’re planning on popping the stuff on the reg over the next few months.

Allergy Dos And Don’ts: Skip Exercise

If you have allergy symptoms, should you exercise as usual? Peters says go ahead but do what you feel comfortable doing. “Try some exercise and see if it helps or makes you feel more tired,” says Dr. Novey. “People are individual and this can go both ways.” If you are allergic to pollen, Peters suggests skipping outdoor morning exercise, when pollen counts are at their highest. Put off your workout until later or simply do it indoors.

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Treatment For Pollen Allergies

A direct way to manage pollen allergies is to reduce your exposure to pollens. Pollen counts are published in the media and can help you to plan to avoid exposure.Tips to reduce your exposure to pollen include:

  • stay indoors in the morning, if possible grass pollens mainly circulate in the morning
  • avoid mowing the grass or wear a mask if you do stay indoors when grass is being mowed
  • keep windows closed in your home and car
  • avoid picnics in parks or in the country during the pollen season
  • wear sunglasses to protect your eyes
  • plant a low-allergy garden around your home, especially near the windows of your home.

What Are The Causes Of Waking Up With Nausea

The Link Between Seasonal Allergies and Chronic Pain

Nausea can occur for a wide variety of reasons. If you only notice nausea first thing in the morning or any time that you wake up, it can be due to one of a variety of causes. However, there are some causes that are more common.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Pollen Allergies Are Seasonal

The season for pollen allergies can last for several months and occurs when the plants are flowering. This will vary depending on location and the type of plant. For instance:

  • Non-native trees tend to pollinate in late winter and spring.
  • In Victoria, winds from the north tend to bring pollen from non-native grasses growing inland between October and December.
  • White Cypress pine is the only Australian tree that produces highly allergenic pollen and it flowers between late July and the end of August.
  • Species of casuarina or Australian oak trees produce pollen throughout the year and can cause hay fever symptoms at any time.

The medical specialists who diagnose allergies have online calendars showing when common species of pollen cause allergies in the states and territories of Australia.

Diagnosis Of Pollen Allergies

If you have allergic symptoms that seem to appear at certain times of the year, you should visit your family doctor, who will ask some questions about your allergic reactions. You can also discuss your record of your symptoms. To diagnose your allergy, your doctor may refer you to a specialist doctor known as an allergist or clinical immunologist.Allergists can test for allergies using a number of methods depending on the type of potential allergy. To test for an allergy to pollens, the allergist may use a skin prick test or a blood test for allergies.

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Find Relief From Fatigue Caused By Allergies

Fatigue can be caused by allergies and this can be frustrating. But it doesnt have to be forever. Diagnosing and treating your underlying allergies is the best way to find relief from your symptoms, get better sleep, and wake up feeling rested. Being tired can negatively impact your quality of life in many ways, but an ENT expert can help you address your issues and get back to a life free from fatigue from allergies. Schedule an appointment to discuss your allergy symptoms with a specialist today.

Limit Your Exposure To Allergens

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Once you know which allergens are causing your symptoms, you can reduce your exposure to them. For example, if youre allergic to pollen, you can try to stay indoors on days when pollen counts are high.

You can check online with your local weather station to find your local pollen report. You should try to keep your windows closed if you have air-conditioning. If you do spend time outside, its important to bathe and change your clothing as soon as you come inside.

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How To Prevent Allergy Fatigue

The best way to prevent allergy fatigue is to find an effective treatment option for your allergies. The first step in managing allergies and preventing symptoms like fatigue is to find out which specific allergens trigger your reactions. After this diagnosis, there are ways to minimize allergies and avoid fatigue. You can minimize allergy fatigue in several ways:

Swollen Tongue Or Lips

If your mouth, lips, or tongue swells up for no apparent reason, it could be angioedema, a sign of an allergic reaction. It isnât always serious. But if the swelling makes it hard to breathe, it could be life-threatening. If your lips or tongue swells up often, let your doctor know so you can get treatment and find the cause.

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Keeping A Record Of Your Symptoms

Keep a diary that describes your symptoms and when and where they occur. Your diary could include information about whether your symptoms occur:

  • inside your home, outside or both
  • for a short time or longer
  • at night, during the day or when you wake up
  • at a particular time of the year
  • near animals
  • after you have been stung or bitten by an insect
  • after you have had a particular food or drink
  • after you have taken a particular medication, either prescription or over the counter from a pharmacy or supermarket
  • after you have taken a herbal medicine.

Allergy Dos And Don’ts: Get Extra Rest

Do seasonal allergies make you more likely to get sick ...

“The answer is a bit tricky,” says Novey. Resting doesn’t improve allergy symptoms because the problem is not caused by a weak immune system, which would be improved by rest. “Now,” he adds, “here’s the tricky part. Allergy symptoms make it easier to get an infection, like a sinus infection. If you are rested, you are less likely to have your allergy symptoms escalate into another type of infection.”

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Feeling Tired All The Time

Its not just all the congestion that makes you feel out of it. Seasonal allergies themselves can drag your energy down, says Eugene Hurwitz, M.D., medical director of the Center for Allergy and Asthma of Georgia. When your body encounters an allergen, it releases histamine, and histamine in your body can make you feel fatigued, he says. In addition, the inflammation that happens in your sinuses when you are allergic to something can cause sinus infections, which will also leave you feeling slow.

You May Have Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcersmost commonly caused by an infection from an H.plyori bacteriaoccur when acid penetrates deep into the mucosal lining of your stomach, causing an open sore. This can lead to burning stomach pain, bloating, heartburn, and nausea, says Dr. Lee.

Nix the nausea: To heal your ulcers, your doc will typically describe antibiotics or drugs to slow the production of stomach acid to aid in the healing process. You might also need to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids since they can increase your risk of peptic ulcers, says Dr. Lee. Alcohol, smoking, and spicy foods can also make your symptoms worse.

To prevent peptic ulcers from coming back, remember to keep things clean. Good hand washing hygiene is important to avoid contracting an H. pylori infection, which is contracted through fecal or oral transmission, says Dr. Lee. This means you should lather your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds .

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You Notice A Seasonal Pattern

If youre the type of person who swears they get the same cold every March, it might be time to reconsider. If you notice its seasonal like clockwork, and every spring or fall you get these symptoms, it might be allergy-related, Dr. Parikh says.

That holds true even if your seasonal symptoms occur earlier than you might think of as allergy season, Dr. Rosenstreich says. In the Northeast, for example, most people are not aware of the fact that the trees begin to pollinate even when theres still snow on the ground. Depending on the weather, people can have allergy symptoms in February.

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Allergies And Dizziness: The Cause And The Treatment

How To Tell Whether You’re Sick Or Just Have Allergies

If youre feeling dizzy, you might be wondering whats causing it. Dehydration, medications, and a variety of conditions can cause you to feel dizzy and nauseated.

While dizziness might seem like a mild condition, it can actually be very disruptive to daily life. It can even be so severe that it leaves you stuck in bed for hours or days.

Dizziness can sometimes be caused by allergies.

An allergy is the immune systems response to a foreign substance thats not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances are called allergens. They may include certain foods, pollen, or pet dander.

Allergy-related nasal and sinus congestion can lead to dizziness or a more severe type of dizziness called vertigo.

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