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Can You Develop An Allergy To Cats

How Do I Know If I Have Cat Allergy

Signs of Allergies to Cats

Cat allergy symptoms are very similar to those of hay fever and other common allergic reactions.

Cat allergy symptoms include:

  • Inflamed or watery eyes.
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or roof of the mouth.

There’s a chance you might also feel a tightness in your chest, experience shortness of breath, and could develop hives. Hives occur when your skin reacts to an allergen and becomes itchy with a raised rash.

If you suspect a cat allergy, you should take note of any symptoms and seek a diagnosis from your doctor, who can refer you to an allergy specialist.

Govind adds that, if you get really bad symptoms like wheezing, or you are struggling to breathe, you should treat these symptoms as a medical emergency and call 999.

Living With Cat Allergies: Cleaning

Once you have a cat, diligence around the house is one of the keys to limiting allergies.

  • Wipe down smooth surfaces in the home regularly. Microscopic dander can stick to any type of surface and is there even if you don’t see it.
  • Use a vacuum with a filter and steam clean carpets often. Restricting the cat’s access to carpeted rooms will also help.
  • Frequently wash any bedding or blankets that your cat sleeps on.
  • Designate specific rooms, like the allergic person’s bedroom, as cat-free zones.
  • Consider replacing upholstered furniture. Cloth-covered chairs and sofas can retain a lot of allergens and be difficult to clean. Either keep the cat off of upholstery or consider investing in wood, plastic or leather furniture that is easy to wipe clean.
  • Take down your curtains. Like upholstered furniture, curtains can be a magnet for cat hair. Consider replacing them with blinds or other coverings that are easy to clean. If you decide to keep your curtains, launder them regularly.
  • Invest in a HEPA filter. These can be attached to your furnace or air conditioner, or purify the air from a freestanding unit. Whatever model you get, their job is to reduce small particles in the air.

How Long Do Pet Allergy Symptoms Last

Pet allergies are frustrating for animal lovers and everyone else who ends up in contact with animals. Symptoms of pet allergies can affect everyday life as pets shed fur and skin. If an animal has fur, they can cause a pet allergy, but cats and dogs are the most common animals to cause allergies. Avoiding animals may not be possible or desired. Let’s take a look at pet allergies and what you can do to combat the symptoms.

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How Is Atopy Treated

Treatment depends largely on the length of the cat’s allergy season. It involves one of two approaches:

  • The first approach involves the use of corticosteroids , as well as improving the health of the hair and skin coat using spot-ons, sprays and/or shampoos. Steroids will dramatically block the allergic reaction in most cases and bring about rapid improvement in the cat’s clinical signs. Steroids may be given orally or by injection, depending on the cat’s condition. If steroids are appropriate for your cat, you will be instructed in their proper use.
  • Treatment with antihistamines and essential fatty acids is variable. Some cats respond well to a particular antihistamine , while others are ineffective. It is important to understand that it can take up to 7-10 days before antihistamines become effective, therefore they are often infective in sudden flare-ups. Likewise, essential fatty acids are similarly ineffective during sudden episodes because they require several weeks to take effect. Cats predisposed to atopic dermatitis should be tried on fatty acid supplements to see if they help lessen future flare-ups and clinical signs.

Any cat suspected of having atopic dermatitis should also be considered for a hypoallergenic food trial. Many cats with atopic dermatitis are also allergic to an ingredient in their food, making diagnosis and treatment more challenging. As previously mentioned, this food trial should last 8 to 12 weeks in most cases.

How Are Cat Allergies Treated

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Cat allergies can usually be controlled with standard allergy drugs. Your doctor might recommend:

  • Antihistamines, which are available over-the-counter — like cetirizine , diphenhydramine , fexofenadine , and loratadine or some antihistamines such as azelastine come in a nasal spray
  • , like over-the-counterà pseudoephedrine or allergy drugs that contain the ingredient pseudoephedrine such as Allegra-D, Claritin-D, or Zyrtec-D

    Nasal steroid sprays, which affect allergy or asthma symptoms in various ways à steroid sprays are a common treatment for allergies. Budesonide , fluticasone , and triamcinolone are steroid sprays that are available over the counter.

Allergy shots are another option. Allergy shots are not always effective, and completing treatment can take years. They’re also not usedà for children under age 5. But they can be a huge help to some people. Ask your doctor if they make sense for you.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent an allergy. Some studies have shown that exposure to pets as a young child seems to reduce the risk of developing pet allergies later. On the other hand, a child who already has allergic tendencies may get worse with exposure to a pet.

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How To Live With Allergies And Pets

Millions of people enjoy sharing their homes and their lives with pets, even those who are allergic to animals. Unfortunately, some people believe that once they are diagnosed with a pet allergy, they have no choice but to remove their pets from their family.

Thankfully, there are many solutions that can be explored that would allow an allergy sufferer to keep their beloved pets while successfully managing their allergies. You’d be surprised to know how many people with allergies that aren’t life-threatening are able to live happily with their pets.

In many cases, the benefits of having a pet outweigh the drawbacks of pet allergies.

How Do I Get Rid Of Cat Dander On My Cat

How Can I Help Get Rid of My Cat’s Dandruff?

  • Feed your cat a nutritious diet. Make sure the food you feed your cat is formulated for skin health. …
  • Groom your cat with a brush or comb. …
  • Try a special shampoo. …
  • Help your cat maintain a healthy weight. …
  • Keep your cat hydrated. …
  • Use a humidifier at home.
  • Also Check: How To Stop Allergy Induced Asthma

    How To Protect Against Pet Allergies

    The best way to manage a pet allergy is to minimize exposure and avoid contact. If being around the animal cant be avoided, you can prevent the pet dander from lingering by ensuring all furniture, carpets and clothing are cleaned immediately and frequently after contact. Wash your hands, or even bath, if you have had direct contact with the animal. Brush your pet in a closed off area, away from the person with asthma. You can also create a pet free zone and use air cleaners to decrease the amount of allergens in the air.

    If your symptoms still arent controlled, talk to your health care provider about medications. Many over the counter antihistamines and decongestants will do the trick, but in severe cases corticosteroids or leukotriene modifiers may be helpful. Talking to an allergist and getting an allergy test is the best way to determine what course of action you should take.

    Page last updated: August 24, 2022

    How Can I Prevent Allergies From Cats

    Signs of Allergies to Cats : Treating Allergies

    There are common strategies to help you reduce allergens from cats, such as the following tips:

    • Dont let cats in your bedroom. Its better to keep this space as dander-free as possible.
    • Wash your hands after touching cats to make sure you dont transfer allergens onto yourself.
    • Remove carpets and clean walls frequently. It is easier to keep wooden or tile flooring dander-free. Regular cleaning of walls will help reduce allergens.
    • Cover heating and air vents with a filtering material, such as cheesecloth, so that cat hair doesnt get into the vents.
    • Install a whole-house air filter, preferably a high-efficiency particulate absorbing filter.
    • Change filters on air conditioning units and furnaces frequently.
    • Keep the humidity level in your home at about 40 percent. This makes it difficult for allergens to travel in the air.
    • Vacuum weekly with a HEPA filter vacuum.
    • Use a face mask while dusting or cleaning to prevent allergens from traveling to your lungs.

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    Can I Build Up A Tolerance To Cat Allergies

    Being honest, if you’re struggling with an animal allergy, avoidance is the best remedy. But talk to your doctor about immunotherapy which involves small injections of the allergen each week for about six months followed by monthly jabs for up to five years. You can also get over-the-counter medicines for temporary relief from the symptoms.

    How Cat Allergies Are Diagnosed

    There are two ways to test for any allergy, including to cats: skin testing and blood tests. There are two types of skin allergy tests. A skin prick test and an intradermal skin test. Both tests give fast results and tend to cost less than blood tests.

    Certain medications can interfere with skin testing, so talk to your doctor about which test is best for you. Skin testing is usually done by an allergist due to the possibility of severe reactions during testing.

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    Reducing Your Exposure To Cat Allergens With Purinapro Plan Liveclear

    Did you know that you can reduce the amount of allergens released into your home with a specific cat food? PURINA® Pro Plan LiveClear is a new cat food designed to neutralise the Fel d 1 allergen in your cats saliva, reducing the amount of active allergen that they release into the environment.

    The cat food has been proven to reduce the allergen on cat hair and dander by an average of 47%, from the third week of daily feeding*.

    *A 10-week controlled study of 105 cats showed an average reduction of 47% starting from the third week of daily feeding

    The food also offers delicious nutrition for your cat the key egg product ingredient, designed to neutralise the allergen once eaten, is digested like any other protein. Alongside other allergen reduction measures, using PURINA® Pro Plan LiveClear could help to keep a cat in their loving home.

    To find out more about PURINA® Pro Plan LiveClear, visit or find out more in their short ‘how it works’ video.

    Can You All Of A Sudden Become Allergic To Cats

    Cat Food Allergy Skin

    It is possible to all of a sudden become allergic to cats. Various types of allergies, including allergies to cats, can develop at any time throughout your life. The good news is that, in most cases, you and your doctor will be able to come up with treatment options that allow you to continue living with your cats without dealing with constant discomfort.

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    Can Pet Allergies Be Prevented

    The best way to prevent pet allergies is to avoid exposure to animals that cause an allergic reaction. Following your doctorâs recommended regimen of allergy medication can minimize your reactions and reduce symptoms when you are around animals.

    For some people, allergy shots offer a long-term treatment solution to managing pet allergies. Each time you have an allergy shot, your body responds by lowering your sensitivity to the allergen. Depending on your unique situation, allergy shots may help prevent pet allergy symptoms even after you stop receiving this treatment. Talk with your doctor about whether allergy shots may be a good choice for you.

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/25/2018.


    Allergy Medicine Guide For Pet Allergy

    Nasal rinse: Using a saline nose rinse can help cut down mucus and rinse pollen out of your nose. Remember to use these as directed.

    Nose sprays: Corticosteroid nose sprays are effective and have few side effects. They treat the swelling and inflammation in your nose. Antihistamine nasal sprays such as Astelin and Patanase are also effective options.

    Eye drops: Allergy eye drops can be very helpful in managing eye allergy symptoms. They can relieve burning sensation, itchiness, redness, increased tearing, and swelling. Common eye drops include SYSTANE® ZADITOR®, Optivar, and Pataday®. In addition, artificial tears can be helpful.

    Antihistamines: Antihistamines come in pill, liquid, or nasal spray form. They can relieve sneezing and itching in the nose and eyes. They also reduce a runny nose and, to a lesser extent, nasal stuffiness. Look for a long-acting, non-drowsy antihistamine.

    : Decongestants are available as pills, liquids, nasal sprays, or drops. They help shrink the lining of the nasal passages and relieve stuffiness. They generally are only used for a short time . Check with your doctor before using decongestants if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, thyroid disease, or trouble urinating.

    Leukotriene modifiers : This medicine can help by blocking chemicals your body releases when you have an allergic reaction.

    If I Want to Keep My Pet, Can I Take Steps to Reduce My Pet Allergy?

    Reduce your exposure to pet allergens.

    Clean and reduce allergens in your home.

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    Are You Allergic To Your Pet

    Are You Allergic to Your Pet? Breathe EasyYou Can Still Keep Your Animal Companion!

    Although many people have discovered the beneficial effects of caring for a furry friend, the fact remains that roughly 15 to 20% of the population is allergic to animals. The result? Countless pet parents in unhappy, unhealthy situationsand their beloved pets are the cause! Allergen is the medical term for the actual substance that causes an allergic reaction. Touching or inhaling allergens leads to reactions in allergic individuals. Symptoms can include red, itchy, watery eyes and nose sneezing coughing scratchy or sore throat itchy skin, and most serious of all, difficulty breathing.

    The most common pet allergens are proteins found in their dander , saliva, urine and sebaceous cells. Any animal can trigger an allergic response, but cats are the most common culprits. People can also become allergic to exotic pets such as ferrets, guinea pigs, birds, rabbits and rodents. There is no species or breed to which humans cannot develop allergies. Fur length and type will not affect or prevent allergies. Certain pets can be less irritating than others to those who suffer from allergies, but that is strictly on an individual basis and cannot be predicted.

    Improving the Immediate Environment

    Taking Care of Yourself

    Allergies To Cats: Symptoms Treatment And Causes

    Treating Flea Allergies in Cats

    Although our feline friends are so fondly regarded that theyre found in an amazing one third of all households, cats are also the leading driver of pet allergies in the US.

    Contrary to popular belief, cat dander and saliva rather than fur are behind most allergies to cats.

    Avoiding cats altogether is the best way to minimize symptoms, but even then, there are no guarantees. With more than eighty-five million cats in US homes and nearly as many strays, just being out in public may expose you to enough cat dander so its important to be aware of what you can do about it.

    The good news is, if you like spending time around cats, or simply want to get on with your day to day without experiencing symptoms, preventative measures and treatment can help reduce or relieve symptoms.

    This might allow you to enjoy Fluffys company again going forward or at least not worry about it.

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    Can You Suddenly Become Allergic To Dogs

    Yes, you can suddenly develop an allergy to dogs even if you never had problems before. As our immune systems age or move, they can react poorly to new or even old things in our life-like pets. Furthermore, you may find you are only allergic to some breeds of dogs with more dander. Not all dogs are the same, and you can find even in the same breed that you are allergic to one dog and not another.

    How Can I Learn To Deal With Cat Allergies

    If you or one of your loved ones are allergic to cats and are not helped by medication, what can you do? Other than replacing your loved ones or getting rid of your cat, there are some ways to reduce the effects of allergens in your home.

  • Clean, clean, clean. People dont understand how much of a difference a cat’s daily grooming and a thorough house sweeping can make when dealing with cat allergies. Keep the surfaces and floors as fur-free as possible, and the reactions to the cats allergens should also diminish. Floors and carpets can especially be a haven for the cat’s hair and dander, so vacuum them often and take the rugs out for a cleaning — preferably more than once every spring.
  • Another way to reduce the effect of cat allergens is to try and bathe the cat every four to six weeks using a cat shampoo. This will help remove the cat’s dander buildup, extra hair, and saliva, which contains a natural deodorant and cleansing agent that causes allergic reactions. Rinsing the cat is important and may prove difficult, as most cats don’t like being in water. Combine that with its claws and agility, and you may be in some emergency room type of trouble. But seriously, have a trusted friend or family member sponge bathe the cat while you hold it down.
  • Image via Shutterstock

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    Symptoms Of An Allergy To Cats

    The symptoms of a cat allergy are typically similar to those of other allergies such as hay fever1, as well as the common cold or flu1.

    The best way to tell if your symptoms are from a cat allergy or a cold is when they occur1. If they only flare up when you’re around fluffy animals, the chances are it’s an allergic reaction to cats, not a cold1.

    Within minutes of exposure to dander, or just seconds in some cases, sneezing may start, then a sudden runny nose and itchy, watery eyes.

    Ongoing nasal stuffiness, sinus pressure over the eyes or cheeks and an itchy throat can follow.

    The most common symptoms of a cat allergy include1:

    • Itchy, watery eyes
    • Hives raised, red patches on the skin

    If you have asthma, your symptoms may also trigger2:

    • Difficulty breathing
    • An audible whistling or wheezing when exhaling
    • Trouble sleeping due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing


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