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HomeFactsCan You Get Bronchitis From Allergies

Can You Get Bronchitis From Allergies

The Importance Of Severity

The symptoms of a cold are usually mild. You may find that with over the counter medication, you can go about day to day life as usual. You may choose to self-isolate, to reduce the spread of anything that you may be carrying, but your symptoms will usually be mild to moderate. 

Allergy symptoms can also be mild and controlled using over the counter medication. But, they may vary in severity, depending on your location and situation. Seasonal allergies, for example, may flare up when the pollen count is high or when you spend an extended amount of time outdoors. 

Asthma symptoms, however, can become much more severe without treatment. Theres no cure for asthma, but with inhalers and sometimes tablets, you can lead a healthy, active life. Without treatment, asthma can be debilitating and stop you from enjoying active pursuits. 

Prevention Of Allergic Bronchitis

In both adults and children, the prevention of allergic bronchitis consists in eliminating irritants and treating respiratory pathologies. To avoid contact with allergens, you must:

  • at least twice a week in the living room to carry out wet cleaning and weekly change the bed linen of the patient;
  • remove the carpets, upholstered furniture and all plants from a room where a family member who suffers from allergic bronchitis lives, and soft toys from the children’s room;
  • to exclude access to the living quarters of the patient of a dog, cat, hamster or parrot, and also get rid of other “our smaller brothers”, such as cockroaches;
  • Foods that cause allergies are completely excluded from the patientâs menu.

The most important method for the prevention of allergic bronchitis and the threat of its transformation into bronchial asthma in children is the normal sanitary and hygienic conditions of their life, as well as the timely detection and proper diagnosis of this disease.

Allergies Or Bronchitis In The Works

After a long, hot summer, we’re going into a humid Fall. I’ve been fighting ragweed and other pollen-induced allergic reactions, plus the junk that blows through the air vents at work. For the past couple of days, I’ve had a sort of scratchy feeling in my chest and the slight difficulty in breathing makes me feel tired.

How do you know if it’s just allergies, or bronchitis in the works?

Diane Porter

Samiam, you didn’t say if you had a cough or not? A cough is one of the primary symptoms of bronchitis.

There’s a lot of crossover between allergy symptoms and bronchitis symptoms, and in fact, the former can lead to the latter.

You’re well aware of allergy symptoms — sneezing, congestion, watery and/or itchy eyes and, if you have severe allergies, occasional difficulty breathing.

Symptoms of bronchitis do include shortness of breath and chest tightness, but also a dry cough that tends to worsen throughout the day and that later often brings up phlegm. Fatigue and wheezing are also symptoms.

There are two kinds of bronchitis; acute, and chronic. Both indicate inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which lead to the lungs. Chronic bronchitis is most often present in people with another underlying condition, and can come and go for years. Acute bronchitis lasts generally for a few weeks and often begins after a respiratory infection. Smoking or exposure to smoke can also be factors.

How Do Pet Allergens Affect Health

Some people are allergic to pets or have asthma that is triggered by pet allergens. For these individuals, breathing animal allergens can make respiratory symptoms worse and lead to a decline in the ability of the lungs to function. The concentrations of an allergen required to cause a reaction vary greatly by individual. 1

People with allergies may experience upper and lower respiratory tract symptoms including congestion, sneezing, runny nose, chest tightness and wheezing. Other symptoms are itching, watery eyes, and eczema or rashes. 1

What Are Risk Factors For Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Allergic Bronchitis

If you work in jobs such as the following, you may be more likely to get hypersensitivity pneumonitis:

  • Farmers
  • Paper and wallboard makers
  • Inhaling certain chemicals produced in making plastic, painting, and the electronics industry

Most people who work in these jobs dont get hypersensitivity pneumonitis. If you work in one of these jobs and have a family history, however, you may get the disease.

Treatment Of Allergic Bronchitis With Alternative Means

Alternative treatments for allergic bronchitis are essentially aimed at the main symptom of the disease – cough. To remove sputum from the bronchi prepare an infusion of licorice root , the same number of calendula flowers and fennel seeds . A mixture of medicinal plants is poured over with a liter of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, and then infused. Take before meals half a glass three times a day for two weeks. Similarly, medicinal decoction is prepared and applied from licorice roots, mother-and-stepmother leaves and plantain.

In case of bronchitis with wheezing and shortness of breath, it is helpful to drink a decoction of viburnum berries with honey or an infusion of this composition: 2 tablespoons of Althea root, chamomile and medicinal clover . On a glass of boiling water you need to take 2 tablespoons of this mixture, insist on a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon several times a day.

With a dry cough, an infusion of thyme herb , which is drunk 50 ml three times a day, helps the sputum compartment well. Oregano herb is also indispensable as an expectorant , but oregano is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Honey and aloe are used in the treatment of allergic bronchitis with alternative means. It is necessary to take a glass of liquid honey, well-crushed leaves of aloe and high-quality Cahors. All mix, heat and put for a week in a cool place – insist. You need to drink three times a day in a tablespoon – half an hour before meals.

When To See Your Gp

Most cases of bronchitis can be treated easily at home with rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and plenty of fluids.

You only need to see your GP if your symptoms are severe or unusual for example, if:

  • your cough is severe or lasts longer than three weeks
  • you have a constant fever  for more than three days
  • you cough up mucus streaked with blood
  • you have an underlying heart or lung condition, such as  or heart failure

Your GP may need to rule out other lung infections, such as , which has symptoms similar to those of bronchitis. If your GP thinks you may have pneumonia, you will probably need a chest X-ray, and a sample of mucus may be taken for testing.

If your GP thinks you might have an undiagnosed underlying condition, they may also suggest a pulmonary function test. You will be asked to take a deep breath and blow into a device called a spirometer, which measures the volume of air in your lungs. Decreased lung capacity can indicate an underlying health problem.

What Causes Acute Bronchitis

Yes, acute bronchitis is usually caused by the same viruses that cause colds and the flu. The infection typically begins in the nose, the , or the throat and spreads to the bronchial tubes, where it causes inflammation when the body tries to fight the infection, Dr. Holguin explains.

So is it possible to stop the flu or a cold from turning into bronchitis? Not necessarily, Carlos Picone, MD, chairman of the pulmonary medicine division at Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC, recently told Everyday Health.

Its common for a cold or flu to be caused by an infection in the upper nasal respiratory epithelium, and theres nothing you can do to prevent that infection from spreading into the lower airways , because those airways are so close to one another, Dr. Picone explains. The two areas are very connected, he says.

Viruses can be spread through physical contact, for instance if an infected person touches an object, like a light switch or an office coffeepot, and then an uninfected person touches that same object and then touches her eyes, mouth, or nose. They can also be spread via germ-laden droplets of moisture that spread through the air as much as six feet away when an infected person sneezes or coughs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . 

Exposure to irritants, like tobacco smoke, pollutions, dust, and fumes, can cause or exacerbate acute bronchitis, too. And in less common cases, bacteria can lead to acute bronchitis.

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What Is The Treatment

Treatments for allergic and asthmatic bronchitis are generally similar and may include:


Bronchodilators are drugs that relax the muscles around the airways. As the muscles relax, the airways open or widen, which often makes breathing easier. People take bronchodilators with a metered dose inhaler. Both short-acting and long-acting bronchodilators are available. Short-acting bronchodilators act quickly to reduce symptoms, but their effect is not long lasting. Long-acting bronchodilators do not relieve symptoms as quickly but control symptoms for longer.


Steroids can also be used to treat allergic bronchitis. Steroids reduce inflammation in the bronchi. This action reduces coughing and can aid air flow in the lungs. Although steroids can be an intravenous or oral medication, a doctor will often administer them through an inhaler in cases of bronchitis. This allows the drugs to be delivered to the area requiring treatment faster and more effectively.


A mucolytic drug is a drug that makes mucus thinner and less sticky. This makes it easier to cough up the mucus from the lungs. People can take mucolytics by mouth or through a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a device that converts a liquid medicine into aerosol. A person can then breathe this aerosol.

Oxygen therapy

Cold Vs Allergies: Timing Is Everything

Respiratory allergies, such as allergic rhinitis , often look a lot like a cold. Begin by checking your kids temperature: if they have a fever, its not an allergy. Hay fever also comes with considerable itchiness of the eyes, nose, and roof of the mouth.

However,the most telling sign of an allergy is its duration and the timing of the symptoms.Most people recover from a cold after 10-15 days at the most, and theirsymptoms improve during that time. If your childs symptoms persist after twoweeks, look into it. You should also investigate further: do other kids atschool have similar symptoms? Most likely, its a viral cold. Do the symptomsget worse at specific times of the day? After spending time outdoors doingsports? The culprit is probably an allergy.

Treatment Of Allergic Bronchitis In Dogs

The most effective treatment for allergic bronchitis is avoidance of the allergen. Because many allergens that cause bronchitis are airborne, it can be challenging to avoid the allergen so other methods may need to be employed. Your veterinarian may want to prescribe antihistamines to reduce the reactions to the histamine that has been released into the bloodstream. Antihistamines are not as effective in canines as they are in humans, however, and are successful in less than half the cases.

Bronchodilators and corticosteroids may also be used to allow the bronchial tubes to open by relaxing the muscles around the airway walls. Bronchodilators can be administered from a specially made canine inhaler, or as a pill, capsule, or syrup. Bronchodilators can lead to an increased heart rate, nervousness, or tremors in dogs and are not recommended for animals with high blood pressure or heart conditions. Antibiotics may also be recommended in the event that a concurrent bacterial infection also affects the patient.


How Bronchitis Is Diagnosed

How to get rid of mucus in the chest: 8 natural home remedies

Bronchitis can be tricky to diagnose because its symptoms often mimic those of other conditions. Recurring bronchitis can mask an underlying condition such as asthma, Holguin says.

Most cases of acute bronchitis clear up on their own and dont require treatment from your doctor. But if you experience unfamiliar symptoms, or if, for instance, you experience coughing spells every time you get a cold, you should see your doctor to rule out any undiagnosed illnesses or underlying problems.

Your doctor will typically ask you how long youve had your cough; what kind of mucus, if any, you are producing; and how often or how much you are coughing. He or she will also likely ask for your medical history, including details like whether or not you smoke or spend time around someone who smokes, or if youve recently had a cold or the flu. Your doctor may also:

  • Listen to your lungs for any abnormal sounds like wheezing
  • Have your mucus tested for a bacterial infection
  • Test the oxygen levels in your blood

Why Do I Have Bronchitis

The bronchi are the main airways in your lungs, which branch off on either side of your windpipe . They lead to smaller and smaller airways inside your lungs, known as bronchioles.

The walls of the bronchi produce mucus to trap dust and other particles that could otherwise cause irritation.

Most cases of acute bronchitis develop when an infection causes the bronchi to become irritated and inflamed, which causes them to produce more mucus than usual. Your body tries to shift this extra mucus through coughing.

Smoking is the most common cause of chronic bronchitis. Over time, tobacco smoke can cause permanent damage to the bronchi, causing them to become inflamed.

Read more about the causes of bronchitis.

What Is Acute Bronchitis

Bronchitis is inflammation of the breathing tubes. These airways are called bronchi. This inflammation causes increased mucus production and other changes. Although there are several different types of bronchitis, the most common are acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis may also be called a chest cold.

Most symptoms of acute bronchitis last for up to 2 weeks. The cough can last for up to 8 weeks in some people. Chronic bronchitis lasts a long time. It is more common among smokers.

Bronchitis Can Either Be Of Brief Duration Or Have A Long Course

Bronchitis can be acute, meaning it’s caused by a virus or bacteria, or it can be caused by allergies. Allergies can often trigger bronchitis symptoms and leave patients open to infection. Symptoms include coughing up sputum, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Chronic bronchitis can be prevented by not smoking. But your doctor can suggest some things to manage your bronchitis symptoms and make you more comfortable while your body deals with the underlying you can also try using cough suppressants to help you sleep at night and a humidifier to loosen up your mucus and make it easier for you to get rid of. If you have bronchitis, you get a cough a lot. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. I work in an office which is just a. Patients should avoid secondhand smoke and other lung irritants. People who suffer from severe allergies may have a higher incidence of respiratory infections, including bronchitis. Tobacco can cause bronchitis though. If you’re also among those who overlook uneasiness caused by persistent. Acute bronchitis usually goes away after a few days or weeks.

That is the extra frequent one. You will also get health issues like wheezing, fever, chest pain, tiredness, etc. People who suffer from severe allergies may have a higher incidence of respiratory infections, including bronchitis. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. However, viruses and bacterial infections are more likely the cause.

The Difference In Duration Of Symptoms

Typically, a cold lasts for around seven to 10 days, with the most severe symptoms beginning to improve after a few days. Allergies, however, if left untreated, will cause symptoms for as long as the allergen is present. So, if your cough doesnt start to get better after a week, your symptoms may not be caused by a cold. 

Asthma, on the other hand, can come and go quickly. Attacks may come on suddenly and subside quickly. Mild episodes may last for minutes, but more serious attacks can last for days. 

How Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Affects Your Body

When you inhale the dust that you are allergic to, you wont notice any problems the first time. Some people develop symptoms after inhaling a lot the dust all at once or after inhaling small amounts over and over again. Tiny air sacs in the lungs can become irritated and may fill with fluid. If you stop inhaling the allergen, the irritation can get better in a few days. If you keep inhaling those allergens, the lung irritation continues. Parts of your lung can develop scar tissue. When your lungs have scar tissue, it may be hard to breathe normally.

Its important to catch this disease early so that you dont have permanent lung damage:

  • Hypersensitivity pneumonitis can be a serious problem for people whose lungs become scarred.
  • Scarred lungs can occur if the disease continues, and it is permanent.
  • Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatment for long-term hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Symptoms Of Allergic Bronchitis In Dogs

Dogs tend to be more susceptible to an attack of allergic bronchitis after exertion. The wheezing that is the distinguishing symptom of this disorder is usually followed by a dry, hacking cough. Although mucus may be present in the bronchial tubes, the cough is non-productive. The continuing cough often causes the airways to constrict further, which restricts the amount of air entering the lungs, causing exhaustion and loss of appetite. If the lack of oxygen continues long enough, the gums will turn blue. When this occurs, the situation is life-threatening, and your pet needs emergency intervention.



Chronic allergic bronchitis is allergic bronchitis that lasts or reoccurs over several months. The most common environmental allergies, like pollens, molds, and dust, usually cause chronic allergic bronchitis. Several circumstances can trigger episodes of chronic allergic bronchitis such as obesity in the patient, long-term exposure to cold temperatures, and changes in  exertion levels. 

Acute allergic bronchitis is an allergic reaction that occurs either just once or over a period of just a few days or weeks. This may take place as a result of being triggered by an allergen that just isnt encountered often, or it may be that a particular condition is triggering an allergic reaction that otherwise is too mild to detect like a bacterial or viral illness, or cross-reactive allergies.



How To Deal With That Nagging Cough

If youre dealing with a nagging cough that is lingering for days, weeks or months, youre not alone.

Coughing is one of the most frequent reasons patients see doctors, and it ranks in the top five reasons patients come to see us at the Ear, Nose and Throat and Allergy Clinic, said Christine Franzese, MD, an allergist with University of Missouri Health Care.

Coughing is part of the bodys defense against disease. It pushes out bacteria, mucus and foreign particles from the respiratory tract to protect the lungs from infection and inflammation. While coughing has a purpose, it can also cause its share of problems.

It can disrupt your sleep, affect school and work performance, it can even prevent people from being socially active or going places because they are so self-conscious, Franzese said.

A physician can diagnose the cause of the cough and identify the proper treatment. There are many reasons for lasting coughs. The most common causes for nonsmokers are postnasal drip, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease , chronic bronchitis and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for high blood pressure. Smoking is the primary cause of chronic coughing that can lead to more serious health problems, such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and lung cancer.

What Are Allergic Bronchitis

How to Naturally Get Rid of Phlegm and Mucus in Chest & Throat

Allergies are caused by the aggressive response of specialized immune cells to an allergen. When an allergen activates the immune system, it manufactures a protein that causes the immune cells to release histamine, a naturally occurring compound that has an inflammatory effect on the tissues it comes into contact with. When the histamine causes inflammation to the bronchial tubes, the swelling can make it difficult to breathe and causes wheezing and shortness of breath. It is also referred to as canine asthma and can be either chronic or acute.

Allergic bronchitis is the narrowing of the airways due to inflammation and swelling of the bronchi caused by exposure to an allergen. This disorder can be either chronic or acute.

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How Is Acute Bronchitis Treated

Acute bronchitis is usually mild and does not cause complications. The symptoms often resolve on their own and lung function goes back to normal.

In most cases, antibiotics are not needed to treat acute bronchitis. Thats because most of the infections are caused by viruses. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. If it has progressed to pneumonia, then antibiotics may be necessary.

Treatment is aimed at treating the symptoms, and may include:

  • Avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Cough medicine
  • Pain relievers and fever reducers, such as acetaminophen
  • Quitting smoking

Tips to help you get the most from a visit to your healthcare provider:

Symptoms Of Allergic Bronchitis

The most indicative sign of allergic bronchitis is an attack of persistent cough, pestering the person mostly at night. The body temperature does not rise, and if it rises, it does not significantly. But the general condition is painful, and may worsen with the next contact with the allergen.

At the very beginning of the disease, the cough is dry, over time it becomes wet, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears. When listening to the bronchus, doctors clearly hear wheezing – dry, wet or whistling. But if during bronchial asthma they are heard during expiration, then allergic bronchitis gives such a picture on inspiration. In addition, the inflammatory process of allergic origin occurs only in large and medium bronchi, so asthma attacks do not occur.

However, against the background of the main symptoms of allergic bronchitis, sometimes signs of vasomotor rhinosinusopathy may appear – nasal discharge due to changes in the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses caused by allergens. Tracheal inflammation or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx is also possible.

Allergic bronchitis in children can occur at any age – even in infants – and manifests itself in almost the same way as in adults: bouts of continuous cough at night at normal or low-grade fever, repeated several times a month. Often with this disease the child becomes capricious, lethargic, often sweats. Acute allergic bronchitis in children can last for two to three weeks.

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Which Animals Pose The Biggest Problems

Cats are kept as pets in 27 percent of homes in the United States and dogs are found in 32 percent. However, roughly twice as many people report allergies to cats when compared to dogs. Research also indicates that male cats produce less Fel d I allergen than female cats, although the reason is not clear. 1

Animals with fur may be more likely to carry allergens from other sources, like dust, but the fur itself is generally not a trigger. For that reason, short-haired or hairless animals contribute dander and allergens to indoor air pollution just as effectively as long-haired animals do. There is no such thing as a non-allergenic dog or cat. 1

Can Allergies Cause Bronchitis

American Family Care

Sevierville, and all of east Tennessee really, can be a hotbed of allergies. But does that have to mean that bronchitis is right around the corner?

Our team at AFC Urgent Care Sevierville wants to help you decipher whether your symptoms point toward allergies or bronchitis. Read on for a look.

Allergy & Immunology Located In South Bay Manhattan Beach Ca

Bronchitis is a very common condition for which patients seek medical care. Many times its difficult to distinguish the difference between acute viral bronchitis, asthma, post-nasal drip syndrome, nasal allergies, gastroesophageal reflux , pneumonia, or other more severe conditions. Dr. Charles Song and Dr. Andrew Wong at the Song Institute of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology can properly diagnose bronchitis or other cough-related disease and provide you with an optimal treatment plan. If you have any questions about bronchitis, please call the office in Manhattan Beach, California, or book an appointment online.


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