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Does Rain Make Allergies Worse

How Can I Prevent Allergy Symptoms

High pollen and no rain makes allergies worse for sufferers

On days after a rain and whenever pollen counts are high, the allergy experts at Ear, Nose & Throat Associates, P.C. recommend:

  • Staying indoors with the windows closed to keep pollen out of your home.
  • Turning on the air conditioning to filter out any pollen that does make its way into your home.
  • Installing a portable high-efficiency particulate air filter if you dont have air conditioning.
  • Wearing a mask when you go outside in order to prevent breathing in pollen and other allergens.
  • Wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen.
  • Taking a daily allergy medication, like an over-the-counter antihistamine.
  • Talking to an expert allergist about immunotherapy, a long-term approach to treating allergies.

If youre ready to enjoy Fort Wayne Parks without suffering from allergy symptoms, there are options. Call Ear, Nose & Throat Associates, P.C. today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Does Rain Make Allergies Worse

Rain itself doesn’t make allergies worse, but the ways a shower or storm affects the environment can cause you to feel an uptick in your symptoms. Sanjeev Jain, MD, PhD, a board-certified allergist and immunologist at Columbia Allergy, explained that most allergy symptoms are caused by breathing in microscopic amounts of pollens and other environmental allergens that cover outdoor surfaces or float in the air. Rain can actually help wash out this pollen, resulting in a temporary decrease in pollen counts in the weather-affected area. “When there is less pollen to inhale, symptoms are less likely to occur,” Dr. Jain told POPSUGAR.

However, the relief is often short-lived. “Although allergy sufferers may notice an improvement in symptoms while it is actively raining, as the rain starts to dry up they may notice a worsening of allergy symptoms,” Dr. Jain said. “The pollen that was washed out of the air can now be found on the ground and can start circulating in the air again once dried.” Furthermore, plants and flowers begin to bloom after receiving a watering from the rain. This combined with any wind can cause allergy symptoms to flare up and be even worse than the symptoms you experienced before.

How Do You Permanently Get Rid Of Hay Fever

Research is continuing into ways to treat allergies more permanently, but training your immune system not to react unnecessarily. This approach, called immunotherapy, has been around for about 100 years, and for a while it has been possible to have a series of injections to treat severe hayfever.

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I joined the Lung Association in 2014 because I was attracted to its comprehensive missionto save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. Every day we help Americans breathe easier through our efforts to fund innovative research, advocate for policies that protect our lungs, and educate patients, caregivers, providers, and the public with science-backed information. We were founded more than 115 years ago, and the needs are greater today than ever before, including the youth vaping epidemic, climate change, and COVID-19!

How Does Rain Worsen Allergies

Hay fever: Does rain make your symptoms worse? Expert ...

Its true that rain can wash pollen from the air, but it also breaks up pieces of pollen on the ground, causing them to spread. When the pollen grains rupture, they can remain in the air for quite some time until theyre inhaled into your nose and lungs. In fact, people can experience symptoms for days or weeks after a rain if not properly treated.

Indirectly, rain worsens pollen allergies by nourishing the plants that produce the pollen. This is especially true in summer months when the weather is warm.

In addition, rain creates moisture, causing mold to grow in piles of yard debris. This means people with pollen and mold allergies can be especially triggered after a good rain.

In rare circumstances, thunderstorms can trigger asthma attacks. This phenomenon is known as thunderstorm asthma, which occurs due to a combination of air flow, humidity and electricity stirring up pollen.

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Can Seasonal Allergies Give You Food Allergies Too

It’s truesometimes seasonal allergies turn into food allergies. What’s more, you can predict the foods you might be allergic to based on what sets off your hay fever. It’s called oral allergy syndrome, sometimes shortened to OAS.

OAS can be extremely frustrating, as a person can often go for a long timeyears in factwithout reacting to one of these foods. Why do seasonal allergies sometimes cause food allergies? It turns out certain food proteins resemble allergenic pollens. It only happens in raw fruits, vegetables, and some tree nutscooking the food changes its proteins and makes it harmless.

If you know what atmospheric troublemaker causes your hay fever, you can also learn what foods to be careful around. Here is a list of common allergens and the food allergies they can inspire:

  • Ragweed: Melons, bananas, cucumbers, zucchini, sunflower seeds
  • Birch pollen: Apples, cherries, carrots, kiwis, almonds, celery, plums, peaches, kiwis
  • Grass: Tomatoes, celery, peaches, oranges, melons

Have Seasonal Allergies Ever Been Fashionable

Believe it or not, seasonal allergies were once a fashionable fad. How could sneezing, itching, and runny noses be trendy? It all comes down to peoples’ perceptions.

Around the end of the 1800s, people thought of allergies as a disease of the upper classes. It seemed to impact people in the city more than the countryside. This association led observers to believe that education, wealth, and refinement were all linked to hay fever. Certain professions, especially those in the fields of medicine and theology, were thought to lead to allergies.

Associations of hay fever sufferers sprang up, their members proud to be associated with this aristocratic disease. They even acquired a nickname: Hayfeverites. The association between allergy and aristocracy lasted well into the 20th century. A popular play produced in 1924, Hay Fever, lampooned the upper classes. It wasn’t until the 1930s that allergists began to suspect anyone could acquire allergies.

It’s easy today to see how strange and silly these ideas are. But the basic observation that urbanites are more threatened with allergies than those living in the countryside could be true. Today people often develop allergies after moving from rural areas to cities. However, the reason may be more straightforward: urban areas often have pollution, and pollution can set off allergies. What’s more, growing up around farm conditions could prevent allergies in some.

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How Can I Ease My Allergy Symptoms On A Rainy Day

“Don’t forget to take your allergy meds on a regular basis,” Dr. Elliott said, noting that nasal steroid sprays take at least five days to kick in, so they need to be taken for the entirety of allergy season in order to be effective. “On high pollen count days and when there is a storm, have a non-drowsy, as-needed antihistamine handy.”

If your allergy symptoms seem to get worse after it’s rained, Dr. Jain recommends being proactive about treatment in order to avoid experiencing a flare. “You can start taking a daily non-sedating antihistamine such as Zyrtec or Claritin during the rainy season. You can also begin using nasal sprays or your inhaler as needed or at the onset of any mild symptoms,” Dr. Jain said. “Saline nasal sprays are an effective way to reduce irritation or drying out of the nasal mucosa. Intranasal steroids, like Flonase, are also a great controller option to reduce swelling, congestion, postnasal drip, and nasal drainage caused by inhalation of environmental allergens.”

If you know what you’re allergic to, Dr. Jain suggests reducing exposure to known allergies as much as possible. If you don’t, it’s important make an appointment with an allergist so you can get tested and find out the best way to manage your symptoms.

Do Allergies Ever Develop As An Adult

How Does Rain Affect Allergies? — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

Can you have adult-onset allergies? Allergies rarely develop as brand-new cases as adults. That’s not to say it never happens, though. However, many adults experience symptoms afresh and wonder how and why.

Although you may have developed a fresh new case of allergies, there’s often a different explanation. Allergies seem to go through stages. Many people experience intense allergy symptoms as children and adolescents, only to find that their symptoms recede in young adulthood. Then later in life those allergies tend to roar back to life. In their 30s, a time when many become parents, allergy sufferers often suffer like they did as kids. Some speculate this has something to do with the colds kids bring home to Mom and Dad, since both colds and allergies influence the immune system.

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Are Mold Allergens Only Indoors

You’ve dehumidified your home. You’ve kept dampness down, fixed leaking pipes, and installed a HEPA air filter in your central air conditioning unit. Your home is officially mold-free. So are your mold allergies gone for good? Not necessarily.

Mold spores don’t only affect you inside your home or work. They can also crop up outdoors. If winters are cold enough where you live, mold spores won’t die off like some plants. Instead they become inactive, waiting for warmer weather to spring back into action. Typically by summer or fall these spores are in full swing, making your eyes water and your nose itch.

If mold spores aggravate you, try to stay inside when the spore count is high. Yard work and gardening activities like digging up weeds, raking leaves, and mowing the lawn can stir up the plant matter mold thrives on, leaving you exposed. If you have to be outside to do yardwork, wear a mask that keeps out dust–it should work against the spores as well.

Higher Temperatures More Pollen Worse Symptoms

Research into public health-related climate impacts is becoming an increasingly urgent area for exploration, as individuals and healthcare systems start to feel the impact.

In this article, Dr. Anjeni Keswani, the Director of the Allergy and Sinus Center at The George Washington Medical Faculty Associates, describes how shes seen a shift in ragweed pollen symptoms in her patients, as symptoms start earlier in the year and last longer.

As allergy seasons lengthen, so too does the economic burden as the number of individuals experiencing allergy symptoms at any one time increases. The current cost for managing allergic rhinitis is estimated to be around $3.4 billion most of which goes to prescription medication.

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Does Hay Fever Mean Youre Allergic To Hay

Nope. In the early 19th century, a British amateur scientist named John Bostock wrote about his allergic symptoms in detail for the first time. He began to find others with similar problems and studied their cases. He wrote in 1825 about a popular idea at the time: the smell of hay caused seasonal allergies. .

Even Bostock didn’t believe the smell of hay caused these problems. He noticed his symptoms cropped up in the summertime, and called the affliction summer catarrh . Clearly that one didn’t catch on.

Why hay fever has stuck isn’t clear. The term has survived for more than 200 years, though. It’s outlasted other terms, including rose cold and rose fever. Just like we once thought hay fever was caused by the smell of hay, people once believed the smell of roses caused the condition, too.

Summer Storms May Cause Your Allergies To Feel More Severe Here’s Why

Does Rain Make Allergies Worse?

There are many things to love about spring and summer, but the fact that it’s prime allergy season is definitely not one of them. To make matters worse, these warmer months of 2021 have been particularly brutal due to higher pollen counts that are the result of climate change. In addition to heightened summer temperatures, the climate emergency has led to above-average rainfall and if you’ve noticed that your allergies seem particularly bad on rainy days, you’re not alone.

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Winter Cold Freezing Weather

Cold weather has been linked to a delay in allergen release but that does not mean you should count their lucky stars just yet. Pollen production may be low during winter but other allergens become more prominent during those times. Cold weather can be a haven for allergens like pet dander. Winter weather increases the time you spend indoors, which increases your exposure to indoor allergens. Despite the cold conditions, allergens from previous seasons could be very alive and well. Viruses that thrive in cold conditions dont help either since they produce symptoms that mimic some allergic reactions. Some of those viruses are: influenza, rhinovirus, parainfluenza and more.

How Rain Makes Allergies Worse

If you have grass or weed allergies, rainfall can break apart their pollens into smaller clumps, which can disperse quickly and cause a sharp rise in allergy symptoms. Also, mold and dust mite allergies thrive in damp environments, so its important to keep living areas dry and clean during rainy periods to minimize any allergy issues. Fortunately, any elevation in mold and dust mite symptoms won’t affect most patients too badly, Dr. Lewis said.

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Flights May Be Less Comfortable With Recommendations

He argues that airlines should continue disinfecting high-touch areas such as armrests and tray tables, stop in-flight food service, mandate mask-wearing, and ask patrons to keep their above ventilation fan on throughout the flight. While these adjustments make flying less enjoyable, they can help reduce in-flight virus transmission. Masks are currently required on public transportation.

Allen is not the only one saying it is safe to resume flying.

Can Butterbur Extract Improve Allergy Symptoms

Seasonal Allergies or Sinusitis? – SLUCare Health Watch

Butterbur is a plant related to the sunflower that produces a pinkish purple flower. Some suspect the plant’s active ingredient, petasin, may act as an antihistamine, a chemical that eases the effects of allergenic substances.

The question is: does butterbur work? It’s hard to say. Some evidence seems to suggest it does. Other studies show no difference from placebo. If you decide you want to try it though, you need to be careful for two reasons. First, raw butterbur herb extract contains toxic alkaloids that can cause cancer and liver damage, so be careful when purchasing. Second, some people are actually allergic to butterbur itself, especially people with ragweed allergies.

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Can Severe Weather Changes Make Allergies Worse

Although allergies are normally associated with the spring and fall, it may feel like allergy season never left this winter. From cold fronts to rainy days and back to warmer days, an allergy expert at Baylor College of Medicine explains that it is not uncommon for frequent weather changes to worsen peoples allergy symptoms.

People who have allergies, sinusitis, asthma or any other airway inflammatory disease frequently complain that their symptoms get worse with changes in the weather, and it seems like its when various fronts come through and there is a big temperature change, said Dr. David Corry, professor of medicine-immunology, allergy and rheumatology at Baylor.


Tree and grass pollen are one of the most common triggers for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. When the weather brings a mix of several cold and warm fronts, Corry explains that it can carry pollen in the air from other parts of the country, such as pollen from Juniper Ashe trees in West Texas.

When fronts come from the west to the east, they can bring a lot of pollen, particularly in the cedar fever season, which is roughly during mid-January to February, Corry said. Those fronts can bring in that cedar pollen, which is extremely abundant and irritating.


Another main cause of allergies is mold spores. When weather fronts bring in a series of thunderstorms, rain or other forms of precipitation, the wet environment can cause mold to bloom strongly and trigger allergy symptoms.

Does Damp Humid Weather Make Your Allergies Worse

Molds, on foods and hidden away in homes, may be to blame.

Are you coughing and wheezy with irritated eyes, a stuffy nose, and trouble breathing? Certainly, theres plenty of ragweed around to cause trouble this time of year. But if you suffer these symptoms year-roundor if they flare up more in damp weatheryou may be allergic to molds.

Were all exposed to mold spores, fungi that break down organic matter in dirt, food, leaves, and wood. Global climate change is only increasing our exposure, reports the journal Allergy. No wonder that Canadian research in the Journal of Asthma finds that mold and moisture in homes are frequent causes of asthma.

With respiratory mold allergies, your immune system overreacts when you breathe in mold spores, triggering allergic rhinitis or asthma. Molds can also create volatile organic compounds causing a musty odor that irritates eyes, nose, and throat. You cant smell all molds, however.

One airborne fungus , which is causing severe infections in the Pacific Northwest, can take six to seven months to produce symptoms, including a stiff neck. Black mold has been linked to serious lung problems in babies. Infants, small children, and elderly adults are more likely to react to any type of mold, says David Lang, MD, head of allergy/immunology at the Cleveland Clinic.

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Allergies Worse In Or After Rain Allergists Say

Are your allergies worse in or after a rainstorm? If so, that’s completely normal, said Warner Carr, MD, an allergist and fellow of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

Rain often washes pollen out of the environment, but first, it bursts pollen particles, spreading allergens farther, Dr. Carr said.

“During a rainstorm, the pollen in your environment gets saturated and fractures, releasing small particles into the air at a much higher concentration,” he explained. “When patients inhale them it causes a syndrome called ‘thunderclap asthma.'”

Then, there’s an allergic reaction in the lungs, causing asthma symptoms, or for those without asthma, allergy symptoms in the upper airways, he said.

Ninety-five percent of people with asthma also have allergies, Dr. Carr said. Rainstorms can produce serious respiratory symptoms for them, so patients should anticipate this, and be prepared with the proper asthma and/or allergy medication.

Besides medical therapies, there are non-medical steps you can take to lessen the effect of rain on your allergies, Dr. Carr said. “Limit your pollen exposure: Roll up the windows in your car or home, run a fan at home to circulate air through your house. When you’re outdoors, pollen is falling on you, so take a shower every night, so you’re not sleeping in what you’re allergic to,” he said.


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