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HomeMust ReadIs There A Coconut Allergy

Is There A Coconut Allergy

Coconut Free Shampoo For Natural Hair Care

How I Found Out I’m Allergic to Coconut – Coconut Skin Allergy

Hair products nowadays come with coconut, and this trend is increasing and spreading like wildfire. Although most people enjoy coconut in their hair products, this product is not suited for all hair types. There are few hair types where coconut is not suited and on the other hand coconut free hair care products cater to a wide range of hair types. Coconut-rich products like coconut oil or coconut milk shampoo are rich in protein. When it comes to deep cleansing and conditioning, then coconut milk shampoo comes to the scene. However, so many people are allergic to those products, and hence in this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about coconut-free shampoo so that you can pick the correct coconut free shampoo, without any hassle.


Coconut Allergy In Relation To Tree Nuts

Many patients who have tree nut allergy wonder if they have coconut allergy as well. That goes more to the question, is coconut a tree nut? Coconut is actually a fruit, but the US FDA classifies coconut as a tree nut. There has been little guidance in patients with tree nut allergies on the safety of consuming coconut.

A study was done in assessing patients with coconut allergy and to see if they have co-sensitization to tree nuts. An apparent correlation between coconut and tree nut sensitization is mainly explained by sensitization to macadamia nut. The authors of the study plan to compare the IgE blood test results and to compare it with clinical symptoms.

Most patients allergic to tree nuts can safely consume coconuts, although this study seems to point towards a relationship specifically to macadamia nut allergy and coconut allergy.

Overall though, a tree nut allergy does not have co-sensitization to coconuts, but based on this recent study, macadamia nut allergy may predict coconut sensitization. It remains to be seen if there is actually a clinical correlation between these two foods, or if there is just some cross reactivity on the skin test that does not actually imply real coconut allergy.

Causes Of Nut Allergies

For all allergies, the immune system reacts to specific allergy trigger molecules . Your immune system, or that of a child in your care, produces antibodies that detect the allergen and cause inflammatory reactions and the release of a chemical called histamine. Histamine causes hives, hay fever and other allergic symptoms. The molecules that trigger your allergic reaction can be present in a range of foods, and you may have an allergic reaction to foods containing that molecule. For this reason, some people are allergic to the same allergy trigger in cashews and pistachios. This is known as cross-reactivity. Speak to your doctor about cross-reactivity because it is difficult to predict. In addition to peanuts, a wide range of tree nuts can also cause allergic reactions in some people. These include, but are not limited to:

  • almonds
  • pistachios
  • walnuts.

The most common type of seed allergy is to sesame, although other types of seed, such as sunflower and poppy seeds, can also cause allergies. Allergic reactions to eating coconut, a large seed, are rare. However, an allergic reaction caused by contact with coconut, and cosmetics and products containing coconut, is more common. Peanut, tree nut and seed allergies are difficult to predict, so visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

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Use Of Harmful Chemicals

Chemicals like SLS are very harmful and one of the most toxic products. Although its non-toxicity has been proven in the laboratory, several reports have come up with some drastic effects on the scalp. This proves that minimizing those chemicals or toxins can be beneficial for the public in general. Hence using as few chemicals as possible is the key to coconut-free shampoo.

Coconut And Nut Allergies

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Coconuts are more closely linked to palms and Areca nuts, in botany. Coconuts come from palm trees and are less related to other tree nuts.

Although botanical relationships are not the only constituent that defines whether two foods will be cross-reactive, foods that are botanically related often possess similar allergenic proteins.

Lets take cashews and pistachios as an example, both of which are closely related plants that comprise related proteins. Those who are allergic to any of these nuts are usually allergic to others.

There exists some data of cross-reactivity among coconuts and hazelnuts and coconuts and walnuts. There also exists an association between coconut sensitivities and those to almonds and macadamias.

Despite all these associations, the probability of having a coconut sensitivity is considerably weak. For instance, one study investigated children with peanut and tree nut allergies. The results showed that these children were more prone to be susceptible to sesame as compared to coconut.

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Why Do Products With Coconut State Contains Tree Nuts

So why does the FDA require coconut to be labeled as a tree nut? No one really knows for sure.

When the FDA passed the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act several years ago, they included coconut on their list of tree nuts. Therefore all products with coconut must make it recognizable or specifically note that tree nuts are found in the product.

Many researchers, organizations, and food manufacturers have contested labeling coconut as a tree nut for years. But its very hard to get the wording of a law changed.

The EU does a little bit better job with tree nut allergy labeling. Food manufacturers cant just list tree nut allergy. They have to call out which tree nut specifically. And their list of tree nuts includes almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pistachios, and walnuts. They specifically state Other types of nuts, and other foods which are not nuts , are not named in the rules.

Allergic Reactions To Tree Nuts

An allergic reaction usually happens within minutes after being exposed to an allergen, but sometimes it can take place several hours after exposure. Anaphylaxis is the most serious type of allergic reaction.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis generally include two or more of the following body systems:

  • Skin: hives, swelling , itching, warmth, redness
  • Respiratory : coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain/tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms , trouble swallowing
  • Gastrointestinal : nausea, pain/cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Cardiovascular : paler than normal skin colour/blue colour, weak pulse, passing out, dizziness or lightheadedness, shock
  • Other: anxiety, sense of doom , headache, uterine cramps, metallic taste

If you have an allergy to tree nuts, keep an epinephrine auto-injector with you at all times. Epinephrine is the first-line treatment for severe allergic reactions .

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Advantages Of Coconut Free Shampoo

The coconut-free shampoo is for every hair type, and there are several different product-based coconut-free shampoos like Aloe Vera, neem, and other products that can be beneficial for your hair and your scalp. There is a wide range of varieties when it comes to coconut-free shampoo. The advantages of coconut free shampoo can be as follows:

Coconut Allergy Is Relatively Rare

Products for Sensitive Skin/Coconut Allergies/Lyme F*ckery

Coconut is a very different plant from peanut or tree nuts. The presence of the letters “nut” does not mean that coconut will trigger an allergic reaction in people allergic to peanut or tree nuts. Allergies to peanut and tree nuts are relatively common compared to allergies to coconut which are very rare. This suggests that the risk of coconut allergy in a person known to be allergic to peanut or tree nuts is very low. Therefore allergy testing to coconut is not considered as routine.

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What If I Am Dealing With A Coconut Allergy

The FDA might currently require the disclosure of coconut, but its important to still keep your guard up. Since coconut isnt actually a tree nut, and it hasnt been shown in studies to be a true top allergen, it might not be called out in recipes, by restaurants, or in other settings.

But I have created this Coconut Substitution Guide to help you replace coconut in most recipes!

How Common Is A Coconut Allergy

True coconut allergies are pretty rare. Despite ending with the letters NUT, a coconut is classified as a fruit, not a tree nut. So those with nut allergies, usually aren’t allergic to coconut.

And an allergy to eating coconut is quite different from a contact allergy. A contact allergy to coconut is more common and usually causes an itchy rash on the skin called contact dermatitis.

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What Food And Products Should You Avoid If You Have A Coconut Allergy

Coconut can be hidden in certain products, so if you or your child has a coconut allergy, you will need to read labels to make sure the food you are purchasing or eating does not contain coconut oil.

Coconut oil is also a common ingredient in many cosmetics. Check the labels of cosmetics before you buy them.

What Are The Symptoms Of An Allergic Or Allergic

Coconut Allergy Symptoms and Treatment

When someone comes in contact with a food allergen or added sulphites, the symptoms of an allergic or allergic-type reaction may develop quickly and rapidly progress from mild to severe. The most severe form of an allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. Symptoms can include breathing difficulties, a drop in blood pressure or shock, which may result in loss of consciousness and even death. A person experiencing an allergic reaction may have any combination of the following signs or symptoms:

  • Skin: hives, swelling , itching, warmth, redness
  • Respiratory: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms , trouble swallowing
  • Gastrointestinal: nausea, pain or cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Cardiovascular: paler than normal skin colour/blue skin colour, weak pulse, dizziness or light headedness, loss of consciousness, shock
  • Other: anxiety, sense of impending doom, headache, uterine cramps, metallic taste.

Source: Anaphylaxis in Schools & Other Settings

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Ultimate Guide To Happy Living With Coconut Allergy

HomeBlogAlternates & SubstitutionsUltimate Guide to Happy Living with Coconut Allergy

Coconut allergy is generally considered a rare condition.

However, if you have a coconut allergy or avoid coconut for another reason, you may find it challenging to know what you can eat and what you have to avoid. Coconut is a very popular ingredient in many recipes and is found in many health and beauty products.

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Disadvantages Of Coconut Free Shampoo

Like all products, there are certain disadvantages to this coconut-free shampoo as well. However, these disadvantages are very abstract and vary from person to person. However, these disadvantages have given rise to several controversies over the years.

  • As discussed previously, we have discussed how harmful SLS can be for some people however, some people agree that SLS gives a different texture to the hair, and coconut-free shampoo does not have SLS. Hence, they do not recommend coconut-free shampoo. These are controversies and depend upon the personal choices of a person.
  • The coconut-free shampoo is a minimalistic shampoo that means it is not that heavy when it comes to ingredients. However, in certain aspects, when the hair is damaged to a certain level, there emerges a need to use many ingredients.
  • Some people enjoy the fragrance, so they are tempted to buy coconut shampoo often than coconut-free shampoo. The snob effect or abnormal market behaviour plays a major role in this regard.
  • The coconut-free shampoo has a high cost, and this is because they are unique when it comes to the production of their goods or any other aspect. Howsoever the customer often does not get the reason behind this expensive tag.
  • Too much coconut-free shampoo means you are going without protein, or your hair is going without protein for several days. That is a serious concern because protein is an essential ingredient when it comes to hair.
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    Frequently Asked Fridays: Does Fda Consider Coconut An Allergen

    Approximately 32 million Americans suffer from food allergies. In response, Congress passed the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 which requires food labels to list all ingredients that may cause allergic reactions. The law identifies eight major food allergens, one of which is tree nuts. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recognizes coconut as a tree nut, and thus an allergen that must be declared. This can be confusing for some, as coconuts are not typically considered to be nuts and there are few instances of people being allergic to both true tree nuts and coconuts. Despite this, coconut remains on the list, so food facilities labeling products containing coconut must list it in the ingredients appropriately.

    FALCPA Requirements for Declaring Allergens

    FALCPA is applied to eight food groups that were chosen because they account for over 90% of all food allergies in the United States. They are:

    • Milk
    • Wheat
    • Soybeans

    Coconut and Allergen Labeling

    While coconuts grow on trees and contain the word nut in their title, Coconuts are botanically a drupe, a fruit with several hard layers. Despite this, they still fall under FDAs designation of tree nuts for the purpose of FALCPA. This can be confusing for labelers who may have not thought of coconut as being an actual nut or as a major food allergen.

    Coconut Allergy Is Considered Rare But It Is Still Very Possible To Be Allergic To Coconut

    Allergic to Coconut! ep1. Reach out video- Are you like me? – NO2Coconut

    Coconut dermatitis allergy is more common than food allergy: Coconut allergy is relatively rare. Coconut allergy is becoming a more common concern among parents of children with food allergy. Even though they are of the same food family they are not so identical that a. Coconut allergy is considered rare, but it is still very possible to be allergic to coconut. Pulp, milk, water, and shaving Not necessarily linked to tree nut. This goes for both food as well as for cosmetic products. The coconut can be classified as a nut, fruit, or seed if you use a general definition. Coconut is a very different plant from peanut or tree nuts. One must take adrenaline injection in case there is an. Coconut sugar is a great, healthier sweetener.but is it an allergen? Coconut allergy may occur immediately, or after a few hours following exposure.

    Coconut allergy is relatively rare. I have an allergy to coconut oil and am looking for a good natural substitue for coconut oil in my soap recipes. This is why there is no connection between coconut allergies and peanut allergies And i have heard some physicians state that they’ve seen a since coconut isn’t actually a tree nut, and it hasn’t been shown in studies to be a true top allergen, it might not be called out in recipes, by restaurants. Is this just random asthma symptom or could it be allergy? answered by a verified doctor:

    A common concern of food allergic patients .had trouble breathing after using shampoo & body wash.

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    Coconut Milk Allergy Symptoms

    Allergic reaction to coconut is very rare, but there are also life-threatening cases reported. In 2013 Dailmail.co.uk published an article saying that a man died after ingesting coconut cream.

    So, you shouldnt ignore if you ever experienced mild reaction.

    Food and Drug Administration label coconut as a tree nut, because once a person who is allergic to walnut ingested coconut, he experienced allergic reaction. However, as mentioned coconut is a fruit.

    Symptoms of coconut milk allergy are similar to coconut allergy. If youre sensitive towards water and meat, then certainly your immune system will react harshly towards its milk.

    When a chemical reaction is triggered by IgE antibodies and histamine, skin rashes, eczema, hives, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, wheezing, coughing, runny nose and life threatening situation can be experienced.

    Swelling of lips, mouth and throat can also be experienced.

    Products that include coconut derived ingredients like CDEA, cocamide sulphate, cocamide DEA and diethanolamide included in personal care products can triggers contact dermatitis.

    Bisphenol A, a chemical ingredient is been included in canned coconut milk can be the mere cause of allergic reaction. There are several studies that found neurobehavioral changes with higher consumption of Bisphenol A.

    Hypersensitive people must avoid guar gum and fructose malabsorption, as it may lead to very serious problems.


    How To Eat Out

    While not the biggest change to your life with a coconut allergy, there are some new considerations to make from the options available to you when dining out. No longer can you just go grab a quick bite to eat, nor will you be able to freely eat at a friends house.

    The best way to avoid getting sick at restaurants is to research ahead of time. Most restaurants post their menus online, which gives me a chance to figure out if this restaurant would be a safe option. Even if the menu says allergy friendly you still should research, because it is really difficult to ensure that a chef or kitchen will wipe off any surfaces, open new bags of ingredients, or even use a different set of gloves when preparing food.

    For coconut allergies in general, you want to be wary of Vegan and Asian inspired cuisine as they both rely heavily on coconut to flavor things. Candy coatings in places like ice cream and frozen yogurt stores are also of concern. When in doubt, call the company or restaurant and talk with them about your allergies and how you can be safe when enjoying their food.

    When dining at a friends house, I will always ask if I can bring an option that is coconut allergy safe.

    Note: All recipes on this blog are coconut free and you are safe making and enjoying any one of them. ?

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