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Is There A Surgery For Allergies

Understanding Chronic Nasal Congestion

Will nasal allergies affect rhinoplasty surgery or its outcome? – Dr. Vijaya Raghava Reddy

Chronic nasal congestion often comes with a subjective definition. Its the feeling that patients cannot breathe through their noses as well as they should be able to. If its lasted more than three months, we may consider this chronic.

There are two causes of chronic nasal congestion: anatomic or inflammatory. Anatomic nasal congestion means the inside of the nose is narrow or blocked. This may be due to trauma, existing from birth, or growths in the nose called polyps. Inflammatory nasal congestion may be caused by allergies or sinusitis.

Contact Kaplan Sinus Relief To See If Balloon Sinuplasty Is Right For You

Depending on the extent and type of your sinus issues, you may be an ideal candidate for balloon sinuplasty. Dr. Kaplan is one of the leading performers of balloon sinuplasty in Houston. He and the staff at Kaplan Sinus Relief have helped thousands of patients take their life back from allergies and sinus problems.

Visit Kaplan Sinus Relief online to request an appointment or give us a call at 713-766-1818.

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Diagnosis Of Nonallergic Rhinitis

Your doctor may ask questions about your personal and family history of vasomotor rhinitis and the misuse of nasal sprays or non-prescription pills. There are skin allergy tests that will help clarify the diagnosis.

  • Groves M. Non-allergic perennial rhinitis: a family of disorders. 2017.
  • Shusterman D. Nonallergic rhinitis: environmental determinants. Immunology and Allergy Clinics. 2016;36:379-399.
  • Settipane RA, Charnock DR. Epidemiology of rhinitis: allergic and nonallergic. Nonallergic Rhinitis: CRC Press; 2016:45-56.
  • Lieberman PL, Smith P. Nonallergic rhinitis: treatment. Immunology and Allergy Clinics. 2016;36:305-319.
  • Yan CH, Hwang PH. Surgical Management of Nonallergic Rhinitis. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America. 2018;51:945-955.
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    What Can I Do If I Am Prone To Sinus Infections

    Ways to help mitigate the symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

    • Consult with a Board-certified allergist to help determine if allergies are a cause for your symptoms.
    • Application of a warm towel to the head, neck, and face to ease pain and pressure.
    • Use of saline spray to keep nasal passages clean and decongested.
    • Use of OTC decongestants, although these are not recommended as part of a long-term treatment plan.
    • Use of a vaporizer or humidifier, especially during the dry winter months. Just be sure to clean the unit routinely, as unclean it poses more risks than benefits.
    • Get a better understanding and management plan for allergies, which can be a trigger.
    • Try to avoid smoke like cigarettes or even cars, which can inflame the nasal passages.

    Common Side Effects And Best Practices For Recovery

    Things Couldn

    Youll most likely have some nasal dripping or mucus that is bloody this is normal. But you will need to avoid blowing your nose for 4 to 7 days after surgery. Blowing could disrupt the delicate sinuses as they heal.

    Your doctor might insert nasal packs at the site of the surgery and remove them in the days afterwards. Your doctor will ask you to schedule a few postoperative appointments. They can clear your nasal passages safely and carefully.

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    Common Reasons To See An Allergist/ Immunologist Include:

    • And more

    Putting it all together

    Allergists/immunologists and ENTs often work together to maximize control of nasal/sinus congestion and its entirely possible you may require evaluation from both specialists. Allergists will often refer patients to ENTs when surgery is needed and ENTs often refer patients to allergists when a formal allergy assessment is required.

    Allergies are not the only cause of nasal symptoms. So if you have a known structural problem or suspect one, then an ENT specialist would be a good first choice. ;But if you suspect that you have a sinus or breathing issues related to allergies or asthma, consider seeing a Board Certified Allergist/Immunologist who can help diagnose, treat, and effectively control your symptoms through non-surgical methods.

    What Happens During Sinus Surgery

    You will receive local or general anesthesia for the procedure. The surgery may last from 1 to 3 or more hours depending on the type of surgery being performed. When the surgery is finished you will be taken to a recovery room to wake up from the anesthetic. Before leaving the surgery center you will be given instructions on what to do at home to help speed up your recovery and healing.

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    Getting Help For Allergies

    See a GP if you think you or your child might have had an allergic reaction to something.

    The symptoms of an allergic reaction;can also;be caused by other conditions.

    A GP can help determine whether it’s likely you have an allergy.

    If they think you might have a;mild allergy, they can offer advice and treatment to help manage the condition.

    If your allergy is particularly severe or it’s not clear what you’re allergic to, they;may refer you to an allergy specialist for testing and advice about treatment.

    Can All Sinus Issues Be Treated With Non

    Can Allergies Interfere with Anesthesia?

    No. Some patients have a structural problem within their nose or sinuses that cannot be adequately treated with medications or allergen avoidance measures. In these cases, Allergists will refer the patient to their surgical colleagues, ENTs , who treat a variety of anatomical ailments affecting the head and neck.

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    Treatments For Chronic Nasal Congestion

    Anatomic nasal congestion patients may find relief from breathing strips that help hold the nose open from the outside. They also try nasal pillows to stent the nostrils open. Nasal steroid sprays, allergy testing, and allergy medications can treat inflammatory nasal congestion. If the diagnosis is sinusitis, we treat patients with antibiotics, steroids, and sinus rinsing.

    More Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trials Are Needed To Validate Metal Hypersensitivity Testing

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    Modifiable patient factors, such as BMI, vitamin D levels and diabetes, can be optimized preoperatively to reduce the risk of infection and other postoperative complications. However, sometimes patient risk factors and how to modify them are not as clear cut.

    One area of controversy in preoperative medical optimization is metal hypersensitivity, a delayed immune response thought to occur when a patient receives an orthopedic implant that contains a type of metal to which they are sensitive or allergic. In literature reports, about 10% of the general population were found to have metal hypersensitivity to nickel, cobalt, chromium or molybdenum, Leo A. Whiteside, MD, orthopedic surgeon at St. Lukes Des Peres Hospital in St. Louis, told Orthopedics Today. After total knee replacement, he noted the incidence of metal hypersensitivity increases to 16% to 20%.

    Diagnosis of metal hypersensitivity

    Diagnosis of metal hypersensitivity can be challenging because there is not much specificity to what has been generally considered symptoms of an allergic response to a metal implant, according to Joshua J. Jacobs, MD, William A. Hark and Susanne G. Swift professor and chairman of the department of orthopedic surgery at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

    Source: Susan M. Rapp, Orthopedics Today

    Skin patch, lymphocyte testing

    Testing caveats

    Revision surgery

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    What Happens After Sinus Surgery

    You should be able to return to your normal routine a number of days following the surgery. You may experience crusting or stuffiness in your nose for several weeks after the surgery. For the first few days you may need to change the gauze placed under your nose as needed. Your doctor may recommend that you sleep with your head elevated and to drink plenty of fluids. If needed, you may be prescribed pain medicine or antibiotics.

    You will be asked to schedule follow-up visits with your doctor to ensure the sinuses are healing properly, and to clean out any excess blood or mucus. It is important that you do not blow your nose when recovering from sinus surgery. This can cause excess bleeding. The details will be in your post-operative instructions.

    How Common Is It To Have A Rash After Surgery

    Itchy Skin Rash After Surgery

    The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology shares that up to 20 percent of people have contact dermatitis. While we dont know how many people will experience a rash after surgery, people who have previously had contact dermatitis may have a higher chance of having a similar reaction after surgery.

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    Are There Any Side Effects

    There are no specific side effects to treating allergies. However, for people who are very vulnerable to multiple allergies, it is important to note that you may even be allergic to some of the ingredients that are used to create different medications. Therefore, if you experience anything unusual after taking your medication, you should report the same to your doctor immediately in case your symptoms begin to worsen.

    Indications For Surgery In Allergic Rhinitis:

    • Persistent symptoms resistant to medical treatment
    • Anatomically large, swollen intranasal tissue

    Surgery in general involves resection or reduction of the inferior turbinates, which are structures within the nose which swell up in response to allergy or infection. Excessive and persistent exposure to an allergen can result in swelling to such a degree that causes a permanent enlargement of these turbinates. This results in nasal block which cannot always be reversed by medications alone.

    • Resection: Total resection restores the intranasal airway but can be associated with problems with crusting and bleeding because of destruction of the highly specialised mucosal lining
    • Reduction: This involves reduction of the mucosal surface only. Improvement in the nasal airway does occur but the benefits are generally short-lived and the procedure often needs to be repeated. Diathermy is the most commonly adopted technique
    • Turbinoplasty: In this procedure, the outer part of the inferior turbinate is removed, leaving the inner mucosal lining intact which is crucial in restoring normal nasal physiology.

    Advantages of the turbinoplasty technique include considerably less intra-operative bleeding, reduced likelihood of long-term crusting owing to preservation of the mucosa, and persistence of benefits in the long-term. This lower morbidity operation therefore offers the same advantages of both of the above alternative procedures without the associated disadvantages.

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    Why Would I Get Sinus Surgery

    Several conditions would require the use of sinus surgery to help alleviate symptoms. The most common would include sinusitis. Sinusitis is the swelling of the passages and sinuses that result in a stuffy nose, pressure in the nose, eyes, and forehead, coughing, nasal drainage and more.

    Another common reason for surgery is a nasal polyp. Enlarged polyps or clusters of polyps are swelling of the nasal lining inside the nose. If they expand a person can experience a reduced sense of taste and nasal blockages that could infect the sinuses.

    Deviated septums block one side of the nose causing a reduction in air flow. Treatments exist to reduce the swelling of the nasal tissue that could contribute to the deviation, but in some instances when the patient doesn’t respond, surgery helps restore balance to airflow.

    Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

    How Factors like Sinuses and Allergies are Considered in the Options of Eye Bag Surgery

    Maybe one of today’s most common sinus surgery options, FESS is a procedure that utilizes a magnifying endoscope to both view the sinuses and remove any affected tissue or bone. It’s reconstructive to open the connection between the sinuses and nose. The result should produce better drainage, reduce blockages and flush out infected material while maintaining healthy tissue for the nose to operate normally. As the name suggests, the procedure is endoscopic. Your ENT surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose to allow for a small tube with a camera and light at the end to survey the inside of the nasal cavity. FESS is often performed in conjunction with other sinus surgery options like septoplasty.

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    Why Might Your Doctor Recommend Surgery For Sinusitis

    Your doctor might advise you to have surgery if:

    • You have many sinus infections that need treatment with antibiotics.
    • Home treatment doesn’t stop your pain and other symptoms.
    • You’ve taken medicines and done home treatment for 4 to 6 weeks, and tests show that you have a sinus problem that surgery can fix.

    Diagnosing Allergic Rhinitis Through Blood / Skin Testing

    Identifying allergies that an individual is sensitive to is important in reducing inflammation to the sinuses. Testing to identify the specific allergen that prompts an allergic response can include a blood and / or skin test. These tests help you and your doctor determine if an allergic reaction can explain the symptoms you are experiencing. If an allergy is detected, a treatment plan is designed for you by Dr. Larian to reduce the day-to-day impact of allergies and other sinus issues. Please contact our practice in Los Angeles to schedule an allergy test with Dr. Larian.

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    Looking To See A Doctor For Post

    A mucus drip in the throat is not something that you have to suffer with. Numerous effective treatments are available to help manage your symptoms or stop post-nasal drip once and for all.

    If youre dealing with post-nasal drip and are looking for treatment in Houston, Dr. Yeung is here to help. Take the first step toward relief by filling out our;appointment request form. Dr. Yeung will determine the root cause of your symptoms and develop a treatment plan to stop your post-nasal drip.

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    Cockroach: one of the most common causes of allergy can be due to cockroaches which are running around in the house. Breathing allergens released by cockroach can lead to the development of asthma in a person.

    • If a person has a family history of allergies.
    • If a person is not being exposed to appropriate sunlight.
    • If a person is suffering from asthma.

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    What Are The Best Treatments To Stop Post

    Post-nasal drip is an unpleasant symptom that feels as though mucus has accumulated in your throat or is dripping down from the back of your nose. It can be caused by a handful of issues, including the following:

    If you have post-nasal drip, you may also experience other frustrating symptoms such as a sore or scratchy throat and coughing. You might also have trouble swallowing or develop an ear or sinus infection.

    In this blog, Houston nasal and sinus specialist;Dr. Cecil Yeung;will address the causes of this symptom and explain the;best available post-nasal drip treatments.

    How Do I Know If I Need To See The Allergist Or Ent

    ENTs are highly proficient surgeons who specialize in structural disorders of the ears, nose, and throat such as head and neck tumors, facial reconstruction and plastic surgery, chronic sinusitis, deviated septum, hearing impairment, and dizziness/balance problems. Board-certified Allergists optimize control of nasal and sinus problems though nonsurgical means. ENTs and Allergists commonly work together to treat conditions where allergies are causing problems in the ears, nose, sinuses and throat regions. ENTs often refer patients to Allergists when surgery is not indicated. Likewise, Allergists will refer patients to ENTs for surgical options when medications and allergen avoidance are not adequately controlling symptoms.

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    What Else Do You Need To Make Your Decision

    Check the facts

    • Sorry, that’s not right. Very few people need surgery. Medicines and home care usually are enough.
    • That’s right. Very few people need surgery. Medicines and home care usually are enough.
    • It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” Very few people need surgery. Medicines and home care usually are enough.
    • That’s right. You need to follow your doctor’s plan of medicine and other treatment for 4 to 6 weeks. This treatment can reduce swelling so your doctor can see what is causing your sinus infections.
    • That’s not right. You need to follow your doctor’s plan of medicine and other treatment for 4 to 6 weeks. This treatment can reduce swelling so your doctor can see what is causing your sinus infections.
    • It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” You need medicine and home treatment for 4 to 6 weeks. This will reduce swelling so your doctor can see what is causing your sinus infections.
    • You’re right. You may still have to take antibiotics and use steroid nasal sprays after surgery. They can help you heal and fight infection.
    • Sorry, that’s not right. You may still have to take antibiotics and use steroid nasal sprays after surgery. They can help you heal and fight infection.
    • It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” You may still have to take antibiotics and use steroid nasal sprays after surgery. They can help you heal and fight infection.
  • Scarring from surgery could decrease your sense of smell.
  • Traditional Sinus Surgery Risks Vs Balloon Sinuplasty Risks

    Symptoms & Causes of Nasal Allergies – Michael Gatto, MD

    There are many types of traditional sinus surgery, many of which involve the removal of sinus tissue or bone. While the experience of your surgeon should mitigate the following risks, they are still worth keeping in mind when deciding whether or not to elect for sinus surgery.

    • Bleeding and pain
    • Failure to resolve the sinus issue
    • Damage to the skull and eyes
    • Loss of sense of smell and taste

    Balloon sinuplasty is a newer, less invasive type of sinus surgery. During the procedure, a small balloon is inserted endoscopically into the nasal cavity and then inflated as a means of restructuring the sinuses.

    While balloon sinuplasty does come with the same set of risks as traditional sinus surgery, its minimally-invasive nature makes the likelihood of their occurrence much, much lower.

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