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HomeReaders ChoiceIs Weed Good For Allergies

Is Weed Good For Allergies

Cannabis Can Be Used To Treat Depression

Marijuana, Asthma and Allergies: A Changing Landscape

Research has shown that not only can cannabis treat depression, but consuming cannabis can also lower your risk of developing depression.

A study conducted by Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience in 2013 found that THC “reduces the negative bias in emotional processing,” which means weed can be used to help people cope with depression and other psychiatric disorders.

In addition, a study published by USC and SUNY Albany 2015 found that “those who consume marijuana occasionally or even daily have lower levels of depressive symptoms than those who have never tried marijuana.”

Dr. Damas says this is due to the presence of one compound.

Within the cannabis plant is a compound called Cannabidiol, which we commonly know by the abbreviation CBD. CBD is known to be a very effective anxiolytic and antidepressant when used long term, he says.

Just FYI, indica-dominant strains are highest in CBD ratio compared to sativa-dominant strains. So, if you’re feeling blue, brighten up your day by packing a bowl with an indica-dominant strain.

Can Weed Relieve Allergy Symptoms

Weed can help relieve allergy symptoms in a few ways. The cannabinoids in weed, like THC and CBD, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the nasal passages and throat. Weed can also help open up airways, making it easier to breathe. Some people find that smoking or vaping weed helps relieve their allergy symptoms more quickly than other methods.

How Marijuana Allergies Are Diagnosed

There is currently no standard way to test for a marijuana allergy. But you may visit an allergists office and ask for a skin test to be performed. The skin test results may confirm that you have a cannabis allergy or may lead to the allergist performing further tests if the results are negative.

You can also perform a skin test at home instead of visiting an allergist if you have mild symptoms. The most straightforward and safest way to check if you have an allergy to the cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids themselves is to prick your skin and handle cannabis extract with little plant material . This is known as the skin prick test.

If you get any signs of contact dermatitis, you may be allergic to cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids rather than the cannabis plant. You can also see if you get contact dermatitis after handling raw flower or resin, which could help determine what part of the cannabis plant youre allergic to.

Many people with allergic reactions to cannabis can recognize their symptoms in other ways. One way to see if you have a cannabis allergy is if you have an allergy to any of the following fruits, vegetables, or nuts, as they share some similar protein properties :

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How Safe Is Using Cannabis As A Medical Treatment

Joanna Zeiger: Inhaling cannabis is least safe for people with asthma. As noted previously, inhaling cannabis by smoking or vaping should be avoided by those with asthma. For anyone using cannabis, particularly those with a chronic illness, safety is paramount and comes first. Determine with your doctor the safest method of using cannabis and the lowest possible dose that provides optimal relief. Use cannabis responsibly. If you feel too high, sleep it off or wait it out. Do not overindulge. Even though cannabis can have medical value, it can also have adverse effects.

Allergy Season Is Here: How Cannabis Can Help

Signs of Cannabis Allergy and its Natural Treatments [Studies ...

Everyone knows when allergy season arrives. Coughing fits, watery eyes, sneezing, and congestion is just part of the seasonal allergy game so many people play. While the weather warms up, the allergies also rev up big time. Some people like taking their favorite over-the-counter meds in hope of relief. Sometimes they work, sometimes they dont. Then sometimes people begin to wonder what relief is available and whether weed helps seasonal allergies. The cannabis plant may provide some answers to the relief allergy sufferers feel.

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Smoking A Bowl Can Boost Your Energy

While there’s a stigma that marijuana use can make you lazy, not all strains of cannabis turn you into a complete couch potato.

Research has supported a link between the brain’s CB-1 and CB-2 cannabinoid receptors and dopamine. Essentially, small doses of marijuana won’t hurt your efficiency level, and an increase in dopamine levels gives you the focus you need to get your stuff done. However, over-doing it can actually harm productivity and motivation, so keep it in check.

If you’re looking for a little pick-me-up, swap out your coffee and smoke a Sativa-dominant strain like Sour Diesel or Jack Herer, instead.

Yellow Fruit Stripe is one of my favorite sativa-dominant strains, and it is perfect for morning or during the day when you are still trying to get things done or go out and do any sort of activity, Ekl says.

What Are Some Adverse Effects Of Cannabis

Joanna Zeiger: Cannabis can cause psychosis in some people, as well as cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, a situation where vaping of certain illicit products of cannabis causes severe abdominal pain and vomiting. Other adverse effects of cannabis include cough, wheeze, shortness of breath, sleepiness, poor concentration and coordination. The mantra in the world of cannabis is to start low and go slow. This means start with low doses and build up use slowly until you reach a beneficial amount or potential adverse effects. This approach is similar to starting most medications.

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Pot Can Make Your Periods Suck Less

When it comes to managing premenstrual symptoms, marijuana can be a natural alternative to Midol.

Studies have found that THC is an analgesic and antinociceptive agent that can alleviate the pain of those killer cramps and pounding headaches. Plus, marijuana has also been found to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with the bloating that occurs around that time of the month.

Dr. Damas says cannabis is a common pain reliever. Surveys of medical marijuana patients find that upwards of 40% reports using cannabis for the treatment of pain, from nagging aches, episodic pain to chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, he says. Cannabis users tend to decrease their consumption of prescription analgesics as well as over the counter pain medications.

Smoking Weed Can Also Help You Fall Asleep

Fall Ragweed Allergies Explained

While there is considerable debate over the long-term effect marijuana has on sleep cycles, some feel that smoking a bowl before bedtime acts as a better sleep aid than other substances like alcohol and certain sleep-inducing medications.

Indicas are known for their relaxing properties. This is a result of their unique chemical composition of phytocannabinoids , as well as their concentration of other substances like terpenes , explains Dr. Damas.

Terpenes, such as linalool and myrcene, are the oils found in cannabis. Theyre what cause the aroma of the plant and give certain strains their distinct flavors. Terpenes also can affect the unique roles of different cannabis strains, aka whether theyre more relaxing or heightehning. However, more research is still necessary to truly understand the extent of their involvement.

Unfortunately, though, it’s been seen that marijuana’s effectiveness as a sleep aid decreases with increased usage. That said, a cannabinoid found in marijuana, CBD, is a great aid for sleep.

CBD can also be used for sleep because of its effect on receptors that cause sedation , says Dr. Damas.

One of the benefits of using CBD for sleep is that you won’t be high like you will if you use an indica.

Some indica strains that I think work well are GMO, Garlic Cookies, and Grand Daddy Pluto. These also work great for pain relief or injuries, Ekl says.

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Related Allergy Symptoms & How Marijuana Can Help


Cannabinoids are effective in treating inflammation, another common symptom of allergies. As the body tries to fight off irritants and allergens, it activates the immune system to remove harmful agents. Inflammation occurs as a response to the irritation and damage that allergens may inflict on cells throughout the body. by activating receptors that will then release fewer cytokines, which are pro-inflammatory mediators.

Chronic Pain

Allergic reactions and their related symptoms can also cause chronic pain. Cannabis is a safe treatment for both mild and chronic instances of pain. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, marijuana is effective at reducing the intensity of pain. Different CBD and THC combinations can be used to target all kinds of pain. Some people prefer high-CBD strains, while others gravitate towards a more even mix of the two.

What About Pure Cbd

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a plant-extracted cannabinoid that is taken in oil form. Unlike THC, the active ingredient in weed, it isnt psychoactive and doesnt cause a high.

A 2016 review indicates that CBD has anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties. While there currently isnt any clinical research assessing CBD use while sick with a cough, cold, or the flu, it might help relieve symptoms such as a stuffy nose, sore throat, and aches and pains.

CBD is generally considered safe. However, some people might still experience side effects. CBD can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can also cause dizziness.

If you have never tried it, you might want to wait until youre feeling better.

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Preventing An Allergic Reaction

The best way to prevent having an allergic reaction to cannabis is to avoid it. If youre using medical cannabis, smoking it recreationally, or consuming edibles, doctors recommend you stop to avoid a severe reaction.

If you work with the cannabis plant regularly for work, doctors recommend wearing gloves, face masks, and using allergy medication to help reduce or prevent symptoms. Doctors also recommend carrying an inhaler in case the cannabis pollen affects your breathing.

Cbd And The Endocannabinoid System

Cannabis For Seasonal Allergies

The endocannabinoid system plays a role in many of the bodys systems and processes, including metabolism, immunity, and the central and peripheral nervous systems. The body produces cannabinoids that are received by cannabinoid receptors to keep the body functioning normally.

Cannabinoids help regulate the immune system by lowering inflammation in the body. When the bodys cannabinoid system is not working properly, inflammatory and immune-related disorders, such as allergies, can occur.

Because its a cannabinoid, CBD may be helpful in relieving allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, congestion, and runny nose.

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Can Cbd Help With Allergies

Its important to recognize that CBD isnt a cure-all, and shouldnt be used as a treatment for severe allergic reactions. Even for mild allergic reactions, youll probably have better results with standard allergy treatments than you will with CBD.

Still, research suggests that CBD may have some impact on allergies.

One 2014 animal study on a-pinene, a terpene found in cannabis, suggests that rats pre-treated with the substance had fewer allergy symptoms. Youll find terpenes in broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD products. However, youll need to review the certificate of analysis for the specific product youre considering to determine whether it contains a-pinene.

Another animal study published in 2019 looked at the effects of CBD on allergic asthma. The mice that received CBD treatment had reduced symptoms, including airway inflammation.

Research also suggests that because of its anti-inflammatory effects, CBD may help with contact dermatitis.

What we know about CBD and allergies so far is based on animal studies and experimental lab models. Human studies will provide more insight into how CBD can help allergic reactions like contact dermatitis.

Some people may not tolerate CBD and can experience side effects.

Its also to be allergic to certain terpenes such as linalool and D-limonene.

Theres also

Its also possible to experience side effects from CBD. Some people may experience:

  • appetite changes

Cbd And Thc Open Up Airways

In addition to reducing the symptoms of your runny nose and itchy skin, cannabis can also help with more severe allergy symptoms like asthma. Both THC and CBD have been shown to be effective bronchodilators in animal modelsmeaning that they are able to open up constricted airways. You can even find THC inhalers designed to help frequent asthma sufferers. Still, asthma can be a dangerous condition and needs to be treated with care. Make sure to talk to a doctor before making any changes to your asthma treatment plan.

While research on cannabis for allergies is still in an early phase, there is some evidence to support the idea that cannabis can help with your allergies. Whether its reducing your congestion and itching, calming your skin, or opening up your airways cannabis may help.

But dont take our word for it! Try it out the next time you get those springtime sniffles. You might be surprised at how much better you feel.

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What Are Allergies And What Causes Them

Allergies are a hypersensitive reaction to a foreign substance. The most common allergens are pollen, dust mites, and animal dander. Allergies can cause a wide variety of symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and asthma. The exact cause of allergies is unknown, but they are believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

What Are Cannabis Allergies And Their Symptoms

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Before getting too far ahead of ourselves, its important to differentiate between legitimate cannabis allergy symptoms and allergic reactions to substances found in cannabis that are actually not inherent to the plant, such as molds. Put simply, cannabis can become moldy when stored and people with mold allergies may have reactions. Some people could even experience reactions to both the plant and mold.

Its a tad confusing, but we do have proof. The presence of fungal contamination in marijuana samples has been demonstrated, occasionally being capable of putting patients with sub-par immune systems at risk for invasive disease. A case of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis attributed to the fungal contamination of a patients marijuana supply has even been described. Doesnt sound good, right? It took a course of steroids to remedy the situation.

To be pedantic, a true cannabis allergy is a reaction to a specific substance contained within the cannabis plant. In Cannabis Sativa: the unconventional weed allergen, Ocampo and Rans provide an excellent review of the existing literature on the subject. They outline how reports in the medical literature have described episodes of allergic reactions, hypersensitivity, and even anaphylaxis to cannabis in its various forms.

Cannabis consumption has even been speculated as a contributing factor in a case of eosinophilic pneumonia where the symptoms began after recreational exposure to marijuana.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Weed Pollen Allergy

Dr. Chacko Featured on the Cover ofAtlanta’s Top Doctor Magazine

If your allergy symptoms begin in the late summer or fall, you may have a weed pollen allergy. Because there are many types of allergies, it can be difficult to identify the root cause. However, with the help of an Atlanta allergist, its possible to accurately identify what is causing your allergy and furthermore, learn the steps you can take to limit its impact. So, what are the most common weed pollen allergy symptoms to be aware of?

The Different Kinds Of Allergies & How Cannabis Can Treat Them

Allergic Asthma

A 2009 study points to THC as a good cannabinoid for allergic asthma and similar inflammatory responses that obstruct the airway. Cannabis rich in THC can effectively suppress allergic asthma triggered by cytokines. It works by correcting lower airway constrictions that are a symptom of asthma.

Recommended cannabis strains for people with allergic asthma not only contain THC, but also the terpene limonene. Limonene not only gives these recommended strains their fresh and fruity taste and smell, it also works with the THC to enhance its medicinal qualities. If youve got allergic asthma, choose strains such as:

It goes without saying that smoking isnt the best consumption method for those suffering from asthma. Try vaping or eating cannabis edibles instead.

Inflammation & Sinusitis

As anti-inflammatory agents, cannabinoids can suppress the immune system without causing the harmful side effects that antihistamines can. Sinusitis, often a side effect of allergies, comprises nasal congestion, cough and difficulty breathing. Marijuana can help ease the symptoms of sinusitus as its a bronchodilator, meaning it opens the airways and breaks up congestion. Cannabis is also a painkiller and can be used to reduce inflammation. Dance World and Royal Medic strains are thought to open up the airways, while Cannatonic and the sativa strain Harlequin have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

Seasonal Allergies

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How Cannabis Can Help Control Your Allergies

Allergies can be a real pain, both in the physical and metaphorical sense. Chances are youve had some sort of allergy, whether chronic, seasonal or as a reaction to certain types of foods. Allergies can result from environmental elements such as pollen, mould and animal hair. They can also occur as a result of inherited allergies, or even as a combination of environmental factors, food and genes. External factors such as climate, temperature and humidity can influence the severity and frequency of allergic reactions, too.

Regardless of why they started and what your symptoms are, its important to treat allergies as soon as they begin. If youre in the search of natural allergy remedies, you may want to consider cannabis. Its a safe potential treatment that can help alleviate allergic reactions and reduce inflammation.

Is There A Marijuana Allergy Treatment

Cannabis For Seasonal Allergies

People who suspect they are allergic to weed whether its the pollen in the cannabis plant, mold from storage, or something else should talk with a board-certified allergist.

The best treatment is avoidance. Certainly people with asthma who count cigarette smoke as a symptom trigger should similarly avoid marijuana smoke.

Prescription and over-the-counter asthma and allergy medications can help prevent and treat symptoms that arise from being around marijuana. These may include albuterol inhalers and inhaled corticosteroids for asthma and antihistamines, intranasal corticosteroids and nasal decongestants for allergies.

Epinephrine auto-injectors should be used as the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis.

Houston allergist and immunologist Ashwini Reddy, MD, representing Allergy & Asthma Network in a Fox 26 Houston TV interview, noted that allergic reactions to marijuana could develop and worsen over time. may not happen the first time youre exposed to it, she says.

Currently there is no standardized extract for marijuana skin tests or allergen immunotherapy. People who cannot avoid marijuana due to their occupation cannabis growers or narcotics officers, for example should speak with an allergist.

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