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HomeExclusiveWhat Oils Help With Allergies

What Oils Help With Allergies

Allergy Symptom #: Watery Itchy Eyes With Puffy Swollen Eyelids

5 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Allergies

This allergy symptom can be particularly annoying. Just as with allergy-induced rashes, red, swollen eyelids can be maddeningly itchy, and rubbing them will only make things worse. In addition, they make you look worn out and they even make you feel like its always time for a nap.

A similar topical recipe can help with swollen eyelids as with other inflamed skin. However, because the skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive, a less-concentrated dilution is in order. Heres a simple recipe using a 1% dilution:

Clear eyes roll-on

Combine the oils and add them to a glass roll-on bottle . The roll-on bottle allows you to take this blend with you throughout the day, and if youre suffering from allergies, it can prove to be a real life-saver.

What Oils Are Helpful For Pet Allergies

Youll read and hear a lot about lavender, chamomile, and peppermint as they are popular and well-known essential oils. Sounds like a tea party, right?


  • This is a very calming oil and can help with separation anxiety and car rides.
  • It soothes inflammation and irritation from scratching due to allergies.
  • It acts as a repellent for insects and even fleas and ticks.
  • It fights off bacteria which can occur with excessive itching and licking.
  • Placing a small amount on your dogs collar, behind the ears, or in its bed will help with allergy symptoms.


  • We know this popular herb as a tea thats relaxing for humans.
  • It is a sedative and also has a calming effect on dogs.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile soothes irritations and allergic reactions.
  • It needs to be diluted before exposing it to your pet.


  • It can be used topically or orally.
  • The main ingredient is menthol.

A List Of The Best Essential Oils For Allergies

The following is a list of the top Essential Oils that you can use as a reference to help you with seasonal allergy symptoms.

Peppermint is generally known for its uses in aiding the respiratory system. Smelling or inhaling it will almost immediately relieve stuffed and congested nasal passages, and also provide a clarity of mind.

It is an expectorant and therefore can provide relief for allergies, sinusitis, colds and asthma.

It can help reduce inflammation of the airways and ease breathing. Peppermint is also useful to help fight headaches.

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How Can Essential Oils Help Minimize The Effects Of This Seasonal Threat

Essential oils are super concentrated, aromatic liquids extracted from different parts of plant known to help ease symptoms associated with many different issues. Essential oils are also an excellent choice to help ease symptoms associated with allergies, plus theyre a safe option.

Used for both healing and aromatic benefits, essential oils can help ease symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.

Apply Essential Oils Topically

Essential Oils for Allergies that Relieve Allergy Symptoms ...

Some essential oils for allergies can also be applied topically to the skin. However, Dr. Kim cautions that its important to ensure the essential oil you use is approved for topical use. If it is safe for topical use and not already diluted, you can add a few drops of the essential oil to a carrier oil such as coconut oil or jojoba oil and then apply to skin, she says.

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Its The Time Of The Season

Essential Oils for Allergies

Ahh, spring is in the air! The beautiful weather of spring flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, the air is crisp, and the weather is getting warmer. Spring is the perfect time to spend more time outdoors. Yet, for many people, spending more time outdoors, is accompanied by itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and coughing, all brought on by seasonal allergies.

Many people suffer from allergies, some year round and some just seasonal. When an allergen enters the body, the immune system sees it as an invader and overreacts, releasing something called Immunoglobulin E antibodies. These antibodies travel to cells that release histamines and other chemicals that trigger the inflammatory response in the body, hence, the allergic reaction.The most common causes of allergies include pollen, dust, mold, insect bites, animal dander, food, medications, and latex. All of these allergens can trigger symptoms in the nose, throat, lungs, ears, sinuses, the lining of the stomach, or on the skin.

People who suffer from seasonal allergies are allergic to pollen, trees, grass, weeds, fungi and mold spores. Tree pollen these tend to affect people in the spring. Grass pollen these tend to affect people later on in the spring and also in the summer. Weed pollen these are more common during autumn. Fungi and mold spores these are more common when the weather is warm

Essential Oils to the Rescue
Which oils do I use and how do I use them?


Best Essential Oils For Seasonal Allergy Relief

Different essential oils help with different allergy symptoms. Explore seven best options that can keep yours from worsening:

1. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oils are your thing if you suffer from allergy coughs. They help the mucus that has accumulated in your respiratory system come up and out. For this to happen, you want to breathe in eucalyptus to feel that cooling sensation.

2. Sandalwood

Theres more to sandalwood oils than their lovely woody scent. By applying them to your skin, you can ease your sneezing and runny nose as they naturally lower your histamine level.

3. Lavender

A good nights sleep aside, lavender brings about an anti-inflammatory reaction in your body. This makes it one of the most effective essential oils for allergy treatment. You can even add lavender to your bath for its benefits to come into effect.

4. Lemon

With a citrus-scented essential oil mixture for allergies, you can unclog your nasal obstruction hands-down. Lemon aromatherapy is like nothing else to improve your sinus health.

5. Cardamom

This is another remedy for your airflow. Cardamom oils work by improving breathing, which may be so difficult during allergy season.

6. Peppermint

Like eucalyptus, peppermint oils come with a cooling sensation. They are best for headaches and coughs and can be used in blends.

7. Thyme

When used topically, thyme oils lessen the general discomfort associated with allergies. They also help with breathing problems and inflammation.

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How Do Essential Oils Fight Allergies

An allergic reaction begins in the immune system. An allergen is a substance that tricks the immune system making it think that the allergen is an invader. The immune system then overreacts to the allergen, which is really a harmless substance, and produces Immunoglobulin E antibodies. These antibodies travel to cells that release histamine and other chemicals, causing the allergic reaction.

The most common causes of an allergic reaction include:

  • Pollen
  • Medications
  • Latex

These allergens will trigger symptoms in the nose, throat, lungs, ears, sinuses and lining of the stomach or on the skin. The question here still remains if these common causes have been around for thousands of years, then why have the allergy rates increased in recent history?

One of the theories behind explaining the increase in allergies has to do withinflammation, the root of most diseases. The body responds in a certain way to an allergen because the immune system is in overdrive. When the body is already dealing with high inflammation, any allergen sets off an increased reaction. That means that when the bodys immune system is overworked and stressed, introducing an allergen sends the body into overreaction.

If the immune system and inflammation within the body was balanced, the reaction to the allergen would be normal however, today these reactions are exaggerated and lead to the next unneeded allergic reaction.

Essential Oil Recipe For Allergies

Allergy Relief with Essential Oils

Creating a homemade essential oil blend for allergies is simple. Blending together the essential oils lavender, lemon, and peppermint will offer an effective remedy in helping to relieve any symptoms brought on by an allergic reaction. These three are successful essential oils to diffuse for allergies. When combined, this essential oil allergy blend will work to ease any general discomfort your body is feeling due to allergic rhinitis. You can use these essential oils for pollen allergies, sneezing, and seasonal allergies.

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Using Tea Tree Oil For Allergies

How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, decongestant, antiseptic

Best for: Home allergens, skin allergies, runny nose, hives, bug bites, itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, mold

Because it helps destroy all those airborne allergy triggers in the home – like bacteria, viruses and fungi like mold – tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oils to treat your allergies. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil also help bring down sinus swelling to provide you with welcome relief from a stuffed or runny nose.

Studies have also found that tea tree oil significantly reduces swelling from histamine-induced skin inflammation – in some cases its been found to be more effective than prescription creams. It can be applied directly to bug bites, rashes, hives and eczema to help reduce itching, lessen the redness and calm the skin. No more discomfort or irritation

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Diffusing tea tree oil throughout your home will eliminate airborne bacteria and kill mold.

Topically: Use tea tree oil topically to treat skin rashes, allergic eczema and hives. Add 2-3 drops to a cotton ball and apply to the affected area. Do a patch test beforehand.

Cold compress: Soak a clean wash cloth in a bowl of cold water with a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling and redness. Repeat every few hours.

How Do You Use Essential Oils For Allergies

Essential oils can be used in many different ways to relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergy.


Sometimes the best way to combat seasonal allergy symptoms is by adding a few drops of essential oils to your electric diffuser or oil burner. This method is best for treating symptoms of nasal congestion, sinus pressure and headaches.

Direct inhalation

One of the easiest ways to use essential oils is by inhaling directly or putting a few drops on a handkerchief which you can breathe in.

People suffering from season allergies may relieve their symptoms by adding a few drops of essential oils to hot water and inhaling the vapours. During the night, you can add a few drops of essential oil to your pillow to help combat allergies.

Topical application

People with skin allergies are able to alleviate their symptoms by applying essential oils to their skin.

The oils can be mixed with a carrier oil, such as jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond oil before application.

Care should be taken when applying citrus oils to the skin, as they are sensitive to both heat and light and can discolour your skin.

Targeting allergens

Some oils such as lemon, eucalyptus, and tea tree may be able to help kill moulds and dust mites.

You can add 10-20 drops of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of vinegar to distilled water. This mixture can be sprayed onto bathroom fittings, mattresses, which kills mould and dust mites.

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Which Essential Oils Are Good For Seasonal Allergies

Each season may expose you to different potential allergens. For example, in the spring when trees and plants are blooming, you will be exposed to pollen. So, if you have an allergic reaction to pollen, youre likely to see your symptoms flare up every spring.

Alternatively, in the winter youre spending more time inside where you might be exposed to indoor allergens such as mold or dust mites. Symptoms can worsen throughout the season.

Here are some common seasonal allergies people have throughout the year, as well as tips on using essential oils for allergy relief.

Best Essential Oils That Help Manage Pet Allergies

10 Best Essential Oils for Allergies

This particular topic is my favorite as for some reason Im super allergic to dogs and not cats.

Im sure lot of you have been in my position, where you come cross a cute dog and you decide whether to pet it and deal with the skin rashes and sniffles later or walk away and let that brief sadness fade.

Well fear not! there is a better solution to it, as I decided to poke around and see what options are available when it comes to essential oils for pet allergies.

The use of essential oils both topically and internally can relieve the symptoms of pet allergies.

These solutions are all natural, and many can be used in combination with each other for a unique approach to relieve the symptoms of pet allergies.

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Essential Oils For Allergies

Allergies are very common and their triggers vary from one person to another. If you have had allergies all your life, then you probably know what triggers them. The most common symptoms of allergies include skin conditions, eczema, and rashes. The recommended treatments for allergies include avoiding the triggers but some triggers are hard to avoid. That is when essential oils can help as they can relieve allergy symptoms effectively.

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Diy Roller Bottle Using Essential Oils To Help Allergies

I first heard of the combination of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oils to help allergies on Farmhouse on Boone when I checked out Lisas free online class about the kinds of oils she uses. After trying the combination in my diffuser, I wanted to use it in a roller bottle blend.

What you need:

  • a 10 mL glass bottle that isnt clear with a roller ball in its housing and a cap
  • peppermint essential oil
  • a carrier oil

A 10 mL bottle is equivalent to 2 teaspoons. So using Plant Therapys Dilution Chart and wanting a 3% dilution, I can add 9 drops of essential oil to my bottle.

  • 3 drops peppermint
  • 3 drops lavender

I add 3 drops of each oil to my bottle and then top it off with my carrier oil. Lastly I push on the roller ball and place the cap on and shake it well to mix.

I make sure to label my bottles with the blend name, the dilution, and the date made. If I can fit the ingredients on the label I add them. Otherwise I make a note of the ingredients mixed in my notebook.

I apply this directly to forehead, sides of my nose, temples, and on my neck when Im battling allergies.

Other Things I Use These Three Oils For:

Resources I Find Helpful:

Allergy Symptom #: Headaches

DIY Essential Oil Allergy Bomb

This final allergy symptom can be a killer. Allergy headaches often result from stuffed up sinuses, but there are people who experience forehead-splitting headaches even if allergies dont get them all congested.

Many essential oils are very effective for treating headaches, and there are dozens of recipes that could be useful in this situation. Lets just stick to two common oils weve already used for dealing with other allergy symptoms: lavender and peppermint.

As mentioned, lavender oil has very powerful pain relief properties. The same is true for peppermint oil, which scientists have studied specifically as a treatment for headaches with very encouraging results. Heres a simple recipe combining these two oils for headache relief:

Headache release lotion

Blend the oils together, and apply this blend to your temples and the top of the back of your neck. You can also inhale both lavender and peppermint oils for added headache relief.

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Allergy Symptom #: Stuffed

This frustrating allergy symptom is the result of two things. First off, your nose starts to secrete mucus as part of the general allergy response. Second, sinuses, capillaries, and airways constrict as another part of that same response.

The outcome is you cant breathe, you have trouble sleeping, and you rub your nose raw with tissue paper while trying to keep yourself presentable.

So how can essential oils help?

Well, many oils can help relax airways . Also, other oils act as decongestants and expectorants helping you get rid of the extra mucus. Heres a recipe to help you do both:

Clear sinus steam inhalation

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Allow it to cool only slightly, and then add the essential oils to the water. Lean over the pot and inhale deeply. You can also use a towel to cover your head and the pot for more concentrated effects.

Safety note: peppermint essential oil contains menthol, a compound thats known to slow down breathing in babies and young kids. If you are planning on using this recipe with a child under the age of 3, omit the peppermint oil and just stick with the spike lavender.

Using Frankincense Oil For Allergies

How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, disinfectant, sedative

Best for: Hay fever, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, runny nose, sleep, pet dander, dust mites home disinfectant

Another potent anti-inflammatory, frankincense oil is one of those wonderful multipurpose essential oils when it comes to treating allergies. It has been shown to help ease the symptoms of bronchitis, sinusitis, and even asthma. It even stimulates the immune system to help keep you healthy and well.

And if you thought a good nights sleep was distant dream during allergy season, think again. A landmark study found an anti-allergy blend of frankincense, sandalwood and Ravensara oils not only reduced annoying hay fever symptoms – itchy and runny noses, blocked nasal passages and sneezing – but people slept better, had more energy and felt happier.

As an air or surface disinfectant, frankincense oil can also help beat allergens like animal dander and dust mites.

How to Use Frankincense Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Blend a mix of 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops sandalwood and 1 drop ravensara oils and diffuse for 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Disinfectant: Simply mix a few drops of frankincense oil in spray bottle with water for an all-purpose cleaner that smells amazing.

The Ultimate Guide on How to Use Essential Oils – Read More

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